Docker GUI plugin now stable

  • Hello guys,

    thanks for this fantastic plugin. I installed the emby image container and it works really flawless, but I have one little problem. By the way, I am completely new to docker. ;) I want to assign the UID "1002" and GID "100" to the emby user in the docker container.

    So I committed my current emby docker container and assigned it the following UID/GID under environment variables:

    After that I tried to backup the configuration with the "Server Configuration Backup" plugin, but it fails. So i chowned the folder for these backups in the following way:

    chown 1000:1000 -R /media/backups

    Now, when I try to backup again, it works fine. But UID/GID 1000:1000 is already in use and it would be much work to change my complete system to this default values of the emby container.

    What did I forget or what is wrong?

    Thanks Hoppel

    openmediavault 6 | proxmox kernel | zfs | docker | kvm
    supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon E3-1240L-v5 | 64gb ecc | 8x10tb wd red | digital devices max s8

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von hoppel118 ()

  • @smudgeman
    confirmed, I will fix it
    this problem occur when you change docker base path
    current workaround is
    setting it none and `rm /var/lib/openmediavault/fstab_tasks.json`

    what is the name of "Server Configuration Backup" plugin ?
    and what docker container name and repo exactly you used?

    OMV3 on Proxmox
    Intel E3-1245 v5 | 32GB ECC RAM | 4x3TB RAID10 HDD
    omv-zfs | omv-nginx | omv-letsencrypt | omv-openvpn
    Click link for more details

  • Hello luflow,

    thanks for answering.

    @hoppel118what is the name of "Server Configuration Backup" plugin ?
    and what docker container name and repo exactly you used?

    It is exactly that name:

    I activated both repos under omv-extras "docker" and "docker testing" and installed the plugin "openmediavault-docker-gui 3.1.3". After that I pulled the following emby docker image and created my container:

    Greetings Hoppel

    openmediavault 6 | proxmox kernel | zfs | docker | kvm
    supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon E3-1240L-v5 | 64gb ecc | 8x10tb wd red | digital devices max s8

  • I didn't know that it was emby plugin

    I tried backup plugin, I cannot make backup at all
    don't know why, can't find source for this plugin
    don't know why 1000:1000 worked in yourcase (was it previous APP_UID APP_GID?, if so try recreating docker container not modifying)

    my suggestion to use network location

    OMV3 on Proxmox
    Intel E3-1245 v5 | 32GB ECC RAM | 4x3TB RAID10 HDD
    omv-zfs | omv-nginx | omv-letsencrypt | omv-openvpn
    Click link for more details

  • Does the "modify" button works OK for all of you? For who answers... do you use OMV in port 80/443 or custom port?

    When I try to save the "Modify" form, it brings me an error: "Error: "Failed to connect to localhost port 80: Connection refused" - Code: 7"

    Finnaly!!! In the latest update,it got fixed!
    Thanks devs!

  • Hey luxflow,

    the uid:1000 and gid:1000 are the default values for the emby container. I found it here under "Technical Information" and "Environment Variables":…er/#technical-information

    I chowned a bit to meet 1000:1000. So it works fine for me now.

    Thanks for your help! Greetings Hoppel

    openmediavault 6 | proxmox kernel | zfs | docker | kvm
    supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon E3-1240L-v5 | 64gb ecc | 8x10tb wd red | digital devices max s8

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von hoppel118 ()

  • heres another question....
    In the case of rutorrent docker, if I make changes to the settings like limit download and upload speeds when the container is restarted it did not retain my changes I made but does retain knowledge of the downloads.

    If I hit commit in the plugin section of openmediavault and launch that container it also does not store the changes I made.

    How can I make these changes stick?


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The image is diameter/rtorrent-rutorrent:stable
    It was pulled from the Docker Image Repo tab.

    Very cryptic answer, no idea seems to be like that.


    There are plenty of answers to this in google, also you can refer to the official docker doc…/container-communication/

    containers can communicate via the default bridge and can also share exposed volumes in between each other

  • Hello guys,

    since the last update the docker images repo looks as follows for me. Is this a known issue? What can I do to correct this?

    I use the latest available versions for omv and for docker:

    What is the differnece between these two repos? Which of them should be used? At the moment I activated both. Is this the correct way?

    And a little Feature Request: Is it possible to get the docker service listed in the services view?

    Thanks and greetings Hoppel

    openmediavault 6 | proxmox kernel | zfs | docker | kvm
    supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon E3-1240L-v5 | 64gb ecc | 8x10tb wd red | digital devices max s8

  • How do i change the docker containers from running on my Debain OS HDD? I tried changing it to my AppSSD + docker shared folder but got the following error:

    Version 3.0.64
    Kernel Linux 4.9.0-0.bp0.1-amd64
    Fresh OMV 3.0 Install
    Docker GUI 3.1.4
    Version: 1.13.1
    API version: 1.26
    Go version: go1.7.5

  • All reported bug is fixed in 3.1.5

    openmediavault-docker-gui (3.1.5) stable; urgency=low

    * Fix docker image path
    * Fix getDockerRepo

    -- OpenMediaVault Plugin Developers <> Thu, 02 Mar 2017 20:29:38 +0900

    anyone expereince `filesystem... ` error
    try `rm /var/lib/openmediavault/fstab_tasks.json`

    @ryecoaaron will upload soon

    Additional note : I'll be busy for the next 6 months (maybe 1 year), I cannot patch anymore
    maybe other developer help

    OMV3 on Proxmox
    Intel E3-1245 v5 | 32GB ECC RAM | 4x3TB RAID10 HDD
    omv-zfs | omv-nginx | omv-letsencrypt | omv-openvpn
    Click link for more details

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von luxflow ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    will upload soon


    Additional note : I'll be busy for the next 6 months (maybe 1 year), I cannot patch anymore
    maybe other developer help

    Thanks for all of your work :)

    omv 7.4.8-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.5 | k8s 7.3.1-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.9 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Additional note : I'll be busy for the next 6 months (maybe 1 year), I cannot patch anymore
    maybe other developer help

    Oh, it's a pity! You did a very good job especially with advancing and porting the omv-zfs to omv3.

    Thank you for all the work you investigated. ;)

    openmediavault 6 | proxmox kernel | zfs | docker | kvm
    supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon E3-1240L-v5 | 64gb ecc | 8x10tb wd red | digital devices max s8

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