Unable to login: Language field empty

  • Hi all

    I've tried to log into OMV today. The login page loads fine but I'm unable to login as the page is expecting a compulsory "Language" option to be specified.
    When I click on the field though the list is empty and I'm not able to type a new element.

    I have already tried omv-firstaid with no success.

    P.S. omv-firstaid spits out the following warnings:

    xmlstarlet: xmlstarlet: /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by xmlstarlet)
    xmlstarlet: /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by xmlstarlet)
    xmlstarlet: /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by xmlstarlet)
    xmlstarlet: /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by xmlstarlet)
    xmlstarlet: /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by xmlstarlet)
    xmlstarlet: /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by xmlstarlet)
    xmlstarlet: /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by xmlstarlet)
    /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/libxml2.so.2xmlstarlet: /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by xmlstarlet)
    xmlstarlet: /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by xmlstarlet)
    : no version information available (required by xmlstarlet)
    xmlstarlet: /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by xmlstarlet)
    xmlstarlet: /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by xmlstarlet)
    xmlstarlet: /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by xmlstarlet)
    <cut here due to number of characters restriction>

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Just an idea: the language setting is stored in a browser cookie. Did you tried to delete all cookies and the browser cache already?

    OMV 3.0.100 (Gray style)

    ASRock Rack C2550D4I C0-stepping - 16GB ECC - 6x WD RED 3TB (ZFS 2x3 Striped RaidZ1) - Fractal Design Node 304 -

    3x WD80EMAZ Snapraid / MergerFS-pool via eSATA - 4-Bay ICYCube MB561U3S-4S with fan-mod

  • Thanks for reply,

    I tried edge and firefox. both are not working and leave language-field empty... downloading chrome atm... Anyway, I deleted cache and cookies on both browsers but nochange, so far. I am not sure, for what I have to look for... btw: I don't want to hijack this thread rs232. If you found a solution that works, I would be happy to hear :)

    I access OMV from the Internet over the OpenVPN plugin, with routed ports over NAT/firewall to the OMV-machine. maybe there's some IP-Adress mixture, to make the cookie not working...? Everything else is working fine (ssh, sftp, samba...)

    I managed to logon at OMV with chrome, but firefox (complete clean of cookies, formulars, temps, plugins...)still not possible...? strange...
    using firefox since years without problems...

  • Confirmed, M$ Edge works fine!

    I'm wondering if this is a firefox 52+ issue. They removed support for core plugins including JAVA, this might be part yet another problem not immediately visible.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I can confirm this on Firefox 52.0.2. 51.x is still working. @votdev

    No need to punish yourself and use IE or Edge. Chrome works fine :)

    omv 7.4.7-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.3 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • I can confirm this on Firefox 52.0.2. 51.x is still working. @votdev

    No need to punish yourself and use IE or Edge. Chrome works fine :)

    I don't do chrome for different reasons. Firefox is just a browser.... why shouldn't it work?

    I did clear the cache, tried to disable all the plugins and even refreshed the Firefox installation but the language selection is still empty.

    Is it possible for this to be a minor glitch somewhere in the css of the login page perhaps linked to a partially successful upgrade?

    If you need additional information from e.g. the internal firefox developer tool please let me know and I'll post here.

    I can confirm that from the very same client machine where I'm experiencing this problem (same firefox) one local NAS doesn't work where another one (located remotely) works fine. They have the same 2.x installation and they are actually mirroring data to each other.
    Also, a remote client accessing the local NAS via firefox works fine.
    So it appears to be the combination, local client + local NAS. I would think immediately about the cache in this case but again this was already covered.

    Not sure how to progress with this now...

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von rs232 () aus folgendem Grund: additional info added again.

  • So this is still an issue on Chrombooks it seems.

    I'm on the latest Chome and OMV releases.

    I can not select a language and can't log in. I had to put the Firefox Mobile Android App on my chromebook just to log in.

    Not an idea workaround.

    Any thoughts on what could be causing this?

    It's really a pain to have to use a different computer just because of this bug.

  • I'm also having this issue in Firefox. Even when clearing data for the http://raspberrypi/ domain.
    Looking in the Console there seems to be no javascript error, or relevant warning. Looking in the Network panel there is no issue loading assets (the file globals.js which contains the supported languages is loaded for example).
    When I have the Debug panel pause on all exeptions it does get paused. But the exception itself seems to be undefined?
    The code seems to be transpiled and Firefox doesn't seem to handle the sourcemaps correctly, so it will be hard to figure out what part of the code is triggering this exception. Here's a screenshot:
    (I just noticed that when I have the the debugger continue the sourcemaps are actually loaded, so it seems like this exception is thrown before Firefox can retrieve the sourcemaps.

    This also happens in a Firefox Private browsing window.

    What also might be interesting, the normally hidden dropdown div containing all the language options isn't created in my Firefox.

    It works fine for me in Chrome and when I set Chrome to pause, even on caught exceptions I do not see the above mentioned exception.

    Is there a separate issue queue I should be reporting this to? The issue queue on the repo itself doesn't seem to be enabled.

  • I'll try again when 56.0.1 becomes available through the repo's.

    I also tried:
    - Firefox beta 57.0b8 (64-bit)
    - Firefox developer edition (57.0b8 (64-bit))
    - Firefox Nightly (58.0a1 (2017-10-15) (64-bit))

    But they exhibit the same issue.

  • Same problem using Firefox 57.0.2 (64-bit). On my laptop the language selection box doesn't work, on my desktop, it works. Same extensions :(

    But you can force the language selection list to appear: click on the language field and press ALT+Down keys

    After you get inside the management console another odd behaviour: the mouse button doesn't work on buttons or items on the left pane (System, Storage, Settings...) but works to slide the scrollers and slider buttons o_O

  • Hi, is there a solution available for this issue? Same here with
    firefox 59.0.1.: I can't pull the dropdown menu for language by mouse,
    only with arrow
    keys. Once logged in I can't klick any topic in side bar, pages will not
    load. I have this issue with OMV3. Edge is working fine.

    Thank you for any solution.

    Greetings Ellumiunatus

    OMV 1: Asrock Q1900M - 8 GB Ram - 320 GB Boot Disk - 3 * 3 TB WD RED Data
    OMV 4.1.6 - Kernel | Plugins: n.n.

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