Monitoring: missing disk IO statistic values since update 4.19.0-0.bpo.1

  • In my case the file /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/disk.conf didn't exist and I had to creat it

    LoadPlugin disk
    <Plugin disk>
            Disk "sda"
            Disk "dm-1"
            IgnoreSelected false

    System: Updated: NAS N5200, 1GB RAM, 8GB Disk | i386 | OMV 5.0.10-1 usul

  • I have a question, I compiled a new following mgruber4s post, it woks fine but on raid it doesn't show "Time per operation" (only the sad face)
    On the system disk the "Time per operation" graphs are there.
    Is this normal (a feature)?

    OMV 4.1.31-1
    kernel 4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64

  • I have this same problem with two servers running OMV4 with zfs storage. one is running Linux 4.15.18-24-pve kernel and the other is running Linux 4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64 kernel. whats interesting is the server running the pve kernel, I have verified that the hdd activity lights will only flicker on writes but not reads! I confirmed this when using LAN speed test on my windows machine while watching the stats from netdata (netdata also only reports writes on both machines but seems inaccurate). it's kind of annoying, what would be the best approach to fix this? I was about to do a fresh install of OMV thinking I had broken something until I found this thread.

    Edit: it looks like both servers I am not seeing hdd activity lights when performing read testing from my windows pc!

    Where there's a will, there is a way! :D
    Cisco UCS C200 M1 Server w/LSI HBA + External drive enclosure
    OMV-4.1.32-1 (Arrakis)
    Linux 4.15.18-24-pve Kernel
    ZFS Nas storage

  • Many tried to hijack this thread, so lets get back to topic.

    My IO monitoring stopped at June '19. This might be the day I have installed a new kernel. Where could I check this? Anyhow, for some devices I have a crying smiley, but I don't know if this was always the case or just changed together with the IO monitoring loss.

    Is there a solution with regular update system to get the IO monitoring back to life?

    kernel: 4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64

    cpu Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400 CPU @ 2.90GHz
    omv 6.9.13-1 (Shaitan)

    kernel 6.1.0-0.deb11.11-amd64

  • The solution is given in post #10.

    Manually download and install these two packages:


    Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle!

    OMV AMD64 7.x on headless Chenbro NR12000 1U 1x 8m Quad Core E3-1220 3.1GHz 32GB ECC RAM.

  • I downloaded the packages from Debian buster and installed them with dpkg. Simple.

    Hi @gderf and thanks for your solution. I am an experienced user but not that much on Linux/Debian etc. I recently re-installed OMV 4 to the latest 4.1.31 and applied the Disk I/O plugin from OMV Extras.

    Can I please bug you or someone to help me understand how to do that installation on CLI?

    I could not find a reference on how OMV 4 CLI works with Buster or any packages, only how to install OMV on Buster.

    This solution works for OMV 4? I see "Buster" as referenced to Debian 10...

    Finally, this solution is update-proof or do we need to always manually update, if and when needed?

    Thanks in advance for your quick help and advice.

    UPDATE: Hi @sacc you mentioned some time ago that "I just use the new collectd config file, so disk.conf has been changed. After reinstall openmediavault and openmediavault-diskstats, all works."

    Can you please elaborate and explain? Where dod you get the new config file, please? Anyone else confirm that?

    OpenMediaVault 6.9.13-1 • Intel NUC NUC6CAYH • Intel Celeron J3455 • 2x4GB RAM • Samsung 870 QVO 4TB • USB Boot (System)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Konsti ()

  • Hey @Konsti here is a reasonably quick way to do it too:

    0) Use putty, or however you connect to OMV to get a command line.

    1) Add the backports package list. Create a new list file file for the future versions you may need:
    sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buster-backports.list
    Add this line to the file and save (ctrl-X, and "y" to save):
    deb buster-backports main

    2) Install the new collectd package. Run these commands:
    apt-get update
    apt-get -t buster-backports install collectd
    Say "Y" to adding dependencies, but then "N" when it asks you about the conf files. Leave those as they are.
    /etc/init.d/collectd restart

    3) Go back into OpenMediaVault and hist "refresh" button on the Performance statistics tab for Disk I/O

    That worked for me.

  • Hi @jrowe88 and thank you VERY much for your kind and quick help, indeed it worked as a charm on my OMV 4.1.32 now.
    Just one edit, the address for was pasted here in a way that ate up http before it. As I was logged as 'root' there was no need for 'sudo'.

    So allow me to recap and paste some output to show how it looks.

    1. To add the backports package list, create a new file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and name it buster-backports.list for example.

    2. Inside this buster-backports.list file, add the following line:

    Code: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buster-backports.list
    deb buster-backports main

    3. Refresh the apt packages with apt-get update although not sure as to why but I complied :)

    4. Install the package required by running: apt-get -t buster-backports install collectd

    5. Accept to adding dependencies to use disk space ("Y") but do not accept to replace the collectd.conf configuration file ("N")

    6. Restart the collectd service by running: /etc/init.d/collectd restart

    7. Go back to OMV GUI and refresh the page, now you get the Disk I/O graphs!

    The version of collectd installed by the OMV-Extras plugin was v5.7.1 and now it's v5.9.0 ! I owe you a pint, mate.

    Many thanks again! Here is the CLI output for people just wondering.

    OpenMediaVault 6.9.13-1 • Intel NUC NUC6CAYH • Intel Celeron J3455 • 2x4GB RAM • Samsung 870 QVO 4TB • USB Boot (System)

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Konsti ()

  • Glad it worked! Thanks for recapping and advising on the lost "http://"

    One note: you can either remove/rename the .list file once you are done, or just note when you check updates within OMV you may see other backports. I am not sure if it coincidental, but after I did this process I saw 3 updates from the Debian buster-backports repository (e2fslibs, libcom-err2, libcomerr2).

    If you are ever in Colorado, look me up and I'll take you up on that pint!

  • Thanks @jrowe88 and everyone here contributing.

    How can we alert the dev(s) of OMV-Extras to update collects executable in their plugin? Is there a way to contact them? Are they present here and reading e.g. a specific user or users? Since this works with collectd v5.9.0 for recent OMV 4 versions, perhaps they can offer to fix.

    OpenMediaVault 6.9.13-1 • Intel NUC NUC6CAYH • Intel Celeron J3455 • 2x4GB RAM • Samsung 870 QVO 4TB • USB Boot (System)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I hope both of you realize that OMV enables the backports repo by default.

    How can we alert the dev(s) of OMV-Extras to update collects executable in their plugin?

    That is me. collectd isn't an omv or omv-extras plugin. It is a package in the debian repos. omv-extras doesn't do anything with it either. On OMV 5.x, 5.9.2 is in the backports repo and could be installed from the command line. On OMV 4.x, stretch-backports-sloppy would have to be enabled to get it.

    omv 7.4.2-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.1 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • First of all let me thank you @ryecoaaron for your nice plugin!

    Secondly, I am not sure how you mean that OMV "enables the back ports repo by default" but then you mention that "OMV 4.x, stretch-backports-sloppy would have to be enabled to get it.". Can you kindly post the CLI command or sequence, for our education? (I am totally not sarcastic but learning and enjoying it). Just so what most of us understand better. Thanks!

    OpenMediaVault 6.9.13-1 • Intel NUC NUC6CAYH • Intel Celeron J3455 • 2x4GB RAM • Samsung 870 QVO 4TB • USB Boot (System)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Secondly, I am not sure how you mean that OMV "enables the back ports repo by default" but then you mention that "OMV 4.x, stretch-backports-sloppy would have to be enabled to get it.". Can you kindly post the CLI command or sequence, for our education? (I am totally not sarcastic but learning and enjoying it). Just so what most of us understand better. Thanks!

    There is a parameter (OMV_APT_USE_KERNEL_BACKPORTS) in /etc/default/openmediavault that will cause OMV to add /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openmediavault-kernel-backports.list if this value is YES or non-existent. It will remove this file if that parameter is set to NO. The code will also pin the kernel in a preferences file so that the backports kernel is pinned higher than the normal kernel. This allows the kernel to be installed by normal updates. omv-extras has buttons to enable/disable backports by toggling the value of this parameter.

    stretch-backports-sloppy would have to be enabled manually similar to your post about enabling buster-backports.

    omv 7.4.2-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.1 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Many thanks for the step by step guide adding the backports and updating collectd.

    I need a little help here. I followed what jrowe88 and Konsti suggested and recapped on. all went flawlessly on OMV 4.1.32-1 with kernel 4.15.18-24-pve ( only kernel that seems to work with zfs ) and can only seem to get the io stats to show writes to my drives. the read io stat simply will not show with any of the 10 drives I have on my nas. I have been playing with the collectd.conf and the disk plugin conf files and have not had any success. despite what the collectd documentation and wiki shows, my OMV system seems to have the collectd.conf point to the plugins as separate conf files in the collectd.conf.d folder rather than in the one colectd.conf file. looking at the syslog in OMV, there are no errors loading any of the plugins. maybe I am looking in the wrong place to fix this. does anyone have an idea what might be causing this?

    Where there's a will, there is a way! :D
    Cisco UCS C200 M1 Server w/LSI HBA + External drive enclosure
    OMV-4.1.32-1 (Arrakis)
    Linux 4.15.18-24-pve Kernel
    ZFS Nas storage

  • @ryecoaaron and @jrowe88. after adding the buster-backports.list file I too see the three updates available in the gui. are these and other updates that may show up in the future safe on OMV 4 or is it best to rename the list file so they are not shown anymore? I believe OMV 4 is on Debian 9 stretch and the list file references from Debian 10 Buster. I fear of breaking the installation since everything is working except for the issue in my last post.

    Thanks again

    Where there's a will, there is a way! :D
    Cisco UCS C200 M1 Server w/LSI HBA + External drive enclosure
    OMV-4.1.32-1 (Arrakis)
    Linux 4.15.18-24-pve Kernel
    ZFS Nas storage

  • [...] is it best to rename the list file so they are not shown anymore?

    I have the same results, mate, I renamed the file (added some further file-extension, really) and did apt-update again to remove these updates.

    But I do have the same question as you; installing any of this is rather "harmless" to the system stability or not?

    They are, after all, updates of stuff already there, no...?

    OpenMediaVault 6.9.13-1 • Intel NUC NUC6CAYH • Intel Celeron J3455 • 2x4GB RAM • Samsung 870 QVO 4TB • USB Boot (System)

  • It would have been easier and you wouldn't be worrying now if you just downloaded only the two required files and installed them.

    Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle!

    OMV AMD64 7.x on headless Chenbro NR12000 1U 1x 8m Quad Core E3-1220 3.1GHz 32GB ECC RAM.

  • Thanks @gderf that's exactly what I was originally hoping to do honestly, a small hack of sorts.

    I want to do the same for smartctl as posted in another thread i.e. do what you suggest, replace only the executable. But I had not such reply to guide me like that.

    However, doing so a) I am not aware of any needed libraries or extra needed/linked files to replace, too;
    b) I am not aware how to extract these 'couple of files' from the available Debian package.

    If you have some time, please kindly guide us through; as this is more convenient for a rollback, in case it fails (I can rename the older files and test and if it isn't working as expected, rollback is easy as I won't be messing with apt or backports etc.)

    Thanks for your reply!

    OpenMediaVault 6.9.13-1 • Intel NUC NUC6CAYH • Intel Celeron J3455 • 2x4GB RAM • Samsung 870 QVO 4TB • USB Boot (System)

  • You don't extract files out of a debian package for this purpose. You install the package.

    What I did in the shell for my amd64 machine. If your architecture is different, choose the proper packages instead.

    sudo dpkg -i collectd_5.8.1-1.3_amd64.deb collectd-core_5.8.1-1.3_amd64.deb

    These are examples of very simple Linux system administration tasks - knowing how and where to find packages and install them. There are countless sources for this information. And frankly, asking for it to be spoon fed to you is IMHO off putting.

    I'll leave it as an exercise for you to figure out how to roll back to your current version of these packages. And you should have this knowledge before making changes. Also, if you are not making verified to be restorable backups of your OMV installation you are asking for eventual trouble.

    Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle!

    OMV AMD64 7.x on headless Chenbro NR12000 1U 1x 8m Quad Core E3-1220 3.1GHz 32GB ECC RAM.

  • I've this same problem. The 'Disk IO' graphs stopped working back in 2018, and I've ignored it for a long time. Today, I've executed all of the solutions provided here and on another thread in this forum. But now that I've got the updates done, all of the performance graphs have stopped working. So with all this work, I've moved 2 steps backwards.

    I'll keep watching for new updates, but I will likely not been working on this problem again for quite a while.

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