Raspberry pi 4 announced, better than 3?

  • @tkaiser hey why is armbian in the Pi4 OMV image an experimental version?

    HP Microserver Gen8 (Xeon E3-1270 V2, 16GB, 4x4TB WD RED + 2x512GB SSD, VMware ESXi 6.7 [Xpenology, Ubuntu, Windows 10])
    Raspberry Pi 4 2GB (armbian, Webmin, OMV 4, Node-RED)

    .NET Software Developer
    Germany (Berlin)

  • what´s exactly the problem with crashtest?

    His incompetence is a real problem paired with his feeling he should educate other users (by writing 'guides' being a compilation of his beliefs, establishing bad practices and polluting this forum and Github issues with nonsense). As often incompetent people don't realize how incompetent they are but it's important that they know since how could they improve otherwise?

    The amount of insane BS originating from this single user was that immense that I dedicated some time trying to explain stuff to him over the last 2 years. Worked somehow in the beginning (a lot of complaining in the first place, then months later he adopted some knowledge) but this changed over time. He now outright refuses to learn while continuing to pollute this forum.

    When a newbie reads through the forum he can come across complete and utter BS like short SMART selftests would test for surface errors, all this FUD about btrfs, a collection of weird stuff that would be needed to 'Connect to OMV SMB shares with Windows 10 and Microsoft Servers' from someone who doesn't even understand what a domain is and what's necessary for a host to join a domain. His 'guide' and 'advices' introduce more problems than they solve, for example there exists neither an excuse nor a reason to recommend 'guest logons' any more, and so on. He barely understands the meaning of the words he's throwing around and lacks especially any networking knowledge (while feeling he would know more than people who do this for a living since he's using Windows on his desktop machine).

    Next annoying detail is methodology: OMV is based on Linux, for every problem someone runs into it's really easy to diagnose what's going on by optionally increasing the log level and looking into or providing the logs. This is important for us developers to nail problems down and it definitely doesn't help when people like him encourage users in threads to rebuild their whole system for no reason and to follow completely stupid trial&error tasks in 'wild guesses' mode instead of following an analytic approach working through potential problems from bottom to top.

    How does this affect the development work? Well, it sucks. His lack of knowledge and methodology results in BS like this and that. Since he refuses to learn anything and as such also the difference between kernel and userland he doesn't understand the principles and challenges creating something like this but feels encouraged to spread concerns about the use of the RPi image. As such new users now think they would deal with new bugs while in reality nothing has changed with the RPi 4 image other than added hardware support as outlined several times. If users like @ManuelM now struggle with the image on their RPi 4 they struggle for exactly the same reason other RPi users did in the past: the necessary additional bits weren't installed on first boot.

    To make things worse @crashtest in the meantime tries hard to agitate users and his mission is get me out of this forum (of course he's not able to distinguish between contributions to a project and writing forum posts). I feel ashamed reading all the FUD and BS that is spread here since so much is the absolute opposite of how things work in reality. But the worst part of the @crashtest problem is not his own incompetence but that he feels encouraged to continue with his idiotic behavior: refusing to learn, spreading BS, sabotaging development work.

    I don't want to contribute any more to such a project that's tolerating or even encouraging such behavior, as such no more fixes for the various ARM images (RPi included) and no more knowledge contributions. No more feedback on 'TimeMachine with SMB' and the preparations for OMV5 images for ARM were sent to the bin (easing a lot of stuff e.g. using the same hostname 'omv5.local' on all images allowing people to overcome the stupid 'static IP address' madness).

    Speaking about improvements. It doesn't help to improve software if then incompetent people who are stuck in last Century advocate anachronistic mechanisms via 'guides' and flooding the forum and try to convince users that stuff that works flawlessly would be a bad idea.

    I lost too much time already and it simply makes no sense to continue 'against' retired guys armed with huge amounts of spare time ready to invest into idiotic games instead of improving their skills. @crashtest's latest mission is to get me out of here and eventually he succeeded. Now everybody can be happy again since nobody will comment any more on the flood of FUD and BS.

  • that means i will have to just wait for omv 5 and i can't expect anything from you that will curently work with the rpi 4??

    Seems you listened too long to @crashtest right? Well, yeah all his babbling here is really damaging...

    OMV4 works on the RPi 4, the image containing the needed adoptions is on Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projec…/Raspberry%20Pi%20images/ (it's the one called 'OMV_4_Raspberry_Pi_2_3_3Plus_4.img.xz' of course, the other should be deleted and the readme.txt needs to be adopted of course).

    As already said there's minor stuff that would need fixes but that's true for this image since I uploaded it a year ago (the 'new' image is exactly the same as the 'old' one, only two minor modifications wrt RPi 4 hardware support have happened). But such fixes won't happen since why should I contribute to a project in such a toxic/idiotic environment here?

    • Official Post

    why should I contribute to a project in such a toxic/idiotic environment here?

    I wholeheartedly agree. Someone will step up before OMV5 hits the streets.

    Now, if you'd only stop babbling long enough so that real Developer help could be recruited...
    (I mean, if I was a Dev, why would I want to step in where one inmate is trying to create and run an asylum?)

  • I don't want to contribute any more to such a project that's tolerating or even encouraging such behavior, as such no more fixes for the various ARM images (RPi included) and no more knowledge contributions. No more feedback on 'TimeMachine with SMB' and the preparations for OMV5 images for ARM were sent to the bin (easing a lot of stuff e.g. using the same hostname 'omv5.local' on all images allowing people to overcome the stupid 'static IP address' madness).

    Do I understand correctly. Are you leaving omv and arm because of one user?
    I understand the level of dissatisfaction but wtf... well sad if you are actually leaving. :(

  • Someone will step up before OMV5 hits the streets.

    Who? You? Somehow I do not see a crowd of volunteers!
    Are you deliberately trying to poison the already small group to make it even smaller?
    At the moment, your behavior does not help. On the contrary, it hurts arm/omv.

    Are you trolling or are you just bored?
    @tkaiser did a lot for arm/omv as opposed to you. If you do not like him, ignore him... but slowly it looks like you would be on a mission to discourage and force him to leave.

    • Official Post

    Who? You? Somehow I do not see a crowd of volunteers!Are you deliberately trying to poison the already small group to make it even smaller?
    At the moment, your behavior does not help. On the contrary, it hurts arm/omv.

    Are you trolling or are you just bored?

    Have I been caustic toward this one individual lately? Absolutely. Going on posts in this thread alone, this may look one sided be you'd have to have been reading this forum for years to realize what's been going on. He's been attacking newbies, experienced forum contributors, and even moderators, on and off, the entire time. (One moderator, that I know of, left the forum because of it.) This is nothing new and other long time forum users would verify what I'm saying. (Like @geaves who has taken a LOT of abuse as well.)
    I've asked nicely that he tone it down on several occasions throughout and, given what he has been doing lately, he was warned. ((Go ahead, follow the link in that post over to the Armbian forum - he's been doing the same thing over there. It's a long thread, but read through it to get the needed perspective.)) Does a picture emerge? At the end of that thread, being thoroughly exasperated, the Armbian Mod posted a link to this.

    If you look at his recent history of posts (starting with "Can't install on..." and looking back) you'll see a pattern. So I might ask you, who is "trolling" who? I post, he attacks (forget the user for the most part). Repeat. While I'm a very patient man, enough is enough.
    Here's the bottom line - it doesn't matter if one has a skill set or not, no one has a license to publically "act out".

    On OMV support for ARM devices - support for SBC's has been here longer than I have and it's not going away.
    And while it's a pain for Dev's to support, the R-PI4 will be supported as well. There's no need for concern.

  • You even insisted and pushed ryecoarron to upload it

    @ryecoaaron can you please immediately delete all the OMV images I provided from Sourceforge? That includes the two here and the 21 there. I don't want my work be associated with such a toxic/idiotic environment/project.

    All the work I've done is in public repos [1] so the developers @crashtest will recruit have an easy start. I'm tired of dealing with this project and want my work removed. Thank you.

    Before I joined this project there were 5 different SBC supported (without any optimizations) and you said yourself you prefer the way to choose an Armbian supported board where installing OMV is easy, right?

    [1] The base work is here, the way to turn any SBC with Debian into an optimized OMV install is there, the ingredients for an optimized OMV image for Raspberries are here.

    • Official Post

    can you please immediately delete all the OMV images I provided from Sourceforge? That includes the two here and the 21 there. I don't want my work be associated with such a toxic/idiotic environment/project.

    I will when I have a chance but I think it is a ridiculous request. I'm not sure why you blame the project for actions of people in a forum and don't think that you weren't part of the problem.

    Before I joined this project there were 5 different SBC supported (without any optimizations) and you said yourself you prefer the way to choose an Armbian supported board where installing OMV is easy, right?

    Correct. I think that was the number (without any *hardware* optimizations). I guess I will have to rebuild the images...

    omv 7.4.7-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.3 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • I think it is a ridiculous request

    Seriously? The guy you encourage to continue with his idiotic behavior already explained that my work is not worth being provided to the public: Raspberry pi 4 announced, better than 3?

    I'm not sure why you blame the project for actions of people in a forum

    Since that's the basic problem. A project that tolerates or even encourages total nonsense doesn't deserve further support. More details after you followed my request.

  • The truth lies in the middle. You are not so innocent either. You both fit together.

    I have seen many of his posts and nowhere have I seen anything particularly bad in any comments ... He just has such a character.
    You've probably never seen how Linus Torvalds behaves towards many people, especially openbsd devs.
    At the same time, I understand the point of view of tkaiser. Many times I have seen here posts that are really below the level and people expect everything on a silver tray without the slightest effort and thinking on their part.
    Put yourself in his place ... repeat the same thing for the thousandth time. This can lead a man to a very harsh approach to people.

    I do not defend him. Do not attack you. I look at this situation as an outsider with omv / arm glasses. And I see, unfortunately, the problem.
    His departure from omv / arm causes a step backwards rather than going forward. Something you can not see.

    Claiming that others will deal with the project is empty talk. @votdev is not particularly interested in ARM. I doubt that @ryecoaaron suddenly found the time and willingness to do a whole lot of images and get them optimized and tested. Maybe you will find one or two more people but they are focused only on a specific sbc. Or maybe you're hoping that Igor will be the solution here. And everything will be on an armbian-config. With all respect for Igor and his work, but he is not alfa and omega. I myself have seen some of his mistakes. And I wish a lot of luck for all the raspberry pi owners !!! If omv by armbian is to be a solution to the problem.

    Instead of going forward, we go backwards. Instead of increasing the number of images and their optimization, Return to the beginning. Less and worse ...

    The claim that everything will be fine is just as empty as my claim that "in a year we will all be millioners".

    • Official Post

    Claiming that others will deal with the project is empty talk

    People come and go. Each time it hurts. Normally people leave because they don't have time. This time is because people can't work together. People working on the Linux kernel may be harsh to each because there is a LOT of financial backing of the kernel and it is their job. OMV is a tiny project with nowhere near enough help. This project can't handle Linus-style behavior.

    I hate the direction the forum is going. It used to be pleasant and helpful. Now, there are too many people being unpleasant for little reason.

    Closing this thread because it just bad...

    omv 7.4.7-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.3 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

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