Docker Container set up by this method can be managed by Portainer or from CLI.
In order to be able to reach nextcloud from the internet you need an external IPv4 address and a hostname.
Regarding external IPv4 address check you router or ask your internet service provider.
To register a hostname you can use services like duckdns,, or many others.
Make sure to use strong passwords!!!
- Install and fully update OMV (a restart might be needed if the kernel has been updated)
- install omv-extras
- install the omv-docker-compose plugin
- create a user dedicated for docker in the GUI of OMV, let's call him "docker1"
- in the CLI determine UID (user ID) and GID (group ID) of user "docker1" id docker1
Installation of Nextcloud and SWAG (Letsencrypt) in Docker
- forward ports in your router (check user manual of your router how to to this)
- port extern 443 to port 444 intern (IP of your NAS)
- port extern 80 to port 81 intern (IP of your NAS)
- if you prefer to deploy the stack from CLI (and not use the docker-compose-plugin):
- mkdir /home/docker1 create a folder for user docker1 in home directory
- mkdir /home/docker1/nextcloud create a folder where we will put the docker-compose.yml file to setup nextcloud
- cd /home/docker1/nextcloud change in that directory
- nano docker-compose.yml create an empty file and start the editor
- copy the content of the Source Code box below in the editor, edit the relevant entries and save the file with Ctrl+X and y; name must be "docker-compose.yml"
- to copy the content of the Source Code box use the small icon in the top right corner of the box ("Copy Contents")
- text after "#" are comments and indicate where you need to make adjustments to the file
- PUID is the UID of your docker1 user; PGID is the GID of you docker1 user
- it is not required that the folders ("appdata", "appdata/nextcloud" etc) in "volumes:" exist; they will be created when we run docker-compose
- do not place the config folders on a mergerfs mount point
As alternative you can also deploy the stack in Portainer: [How-To] Use docker-compose files in Portainer
version: "2"
container_name: nextcloud
- PUID=1000 #change PUID if needed
- PGID=100 #change PGID if needed
- TZ=Europe/Berlin #change Time Zone if needed
- /srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1/appdata/nextcloud/config:/config #/srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1 needs to be adjusted
- /srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1/appdata/nextcloud/data:/data #/srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1 needs to be adjusted
- mariadb
# ports: # uncomment this and the next line if you want to bypass the proxy
# - 450:443
restart: unless-stopped
container_name: nextclouddb
- PUID=1000 #change PUID if needed
- PGID=100 #change PGID if needed
- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mariadbpassword #change password
- TZ=Europe/Berlin #Change Time Zone if needed
- /srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1/appdata/nextclouddb:/config #/srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1 needs to be adjusted
restart: unless-stopped
image: linuxserver/swag #swag is the replacement for letsencrypt (see link below)
container_name: swag
- PUID=1000 #change PUID if needed
- PGID=100 #change PGID if needed
- TZ=Europe/Berlin # change Time Zone if needed
- #insert your domain name - yourdomain.url
- # define email; required to renew certificate
- /srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1/appdata/swag:/config #/srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1 needs to be adjusted
- 444:443
- 81:80
restart: unless-stopped
Alles anzeigen
- after you saved the file, run docker-compose up -d in the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located; this will download the needed images and start the container
- when finished, run docker logs -f swag and check for errors
Configuration of proxy
- cd /srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1/appdata/swag/nginx/proxy-confs /srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1 has to be adjusted
- cp nextcloud.subfolder.conf.sample nextcloud.subfolder.conf this will copy the sample configuration file for nextcloud and removes the .sample so that the file will become active
- nano /srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1/appdata/nextcloud/config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php and insert the text from the box below at the end, but befor the ");" - change "your.url" to your domain
'trusted_proxies' =>
array (
0 => 'swag',
'overwritewebroot' => '/nextcloud',
'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://your.url/nextcloud',
'trusted_domains' =>
array (
0 => 'your.url:443',
- docker restart swag to restart the swag container
- docker logs -f swag to check for errors
- docker restart nextcloud
Nextcloud can now be reached with https://your.url/nextcloud
- on the welcome screen of nextcloud (see picture below) we need to configure the database
- click on "Storage&Database"
- select MySQL/MariaDB
- Database user --> "root"
- Database password --> password which has been specified in the docker-compose file with MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
- Database name --> "nextcloud"
- localhost host --> "nextclouddb"
then click "finish setup"
- Selection_044.jpg
Please note: the configuration of the proxy is highly dependent on how you set up your domain. For further details check the available documentation for letsencrypt. E.g.…domainreverseproxyexample
Trouble shooting letsencrypt image and port forwarding:
Troubleshooting Letsencrypt Image Port Mapping and Forwarding |
SWAG as replacement of letsencrypt
Introducing SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway |
Q&A for my HOWTO:…V-and-docker-compose-Q-A/
Here is a specific guide for the implementation with duckDNS: