Nextcloud with Letsencrypt using OMV and docker-compose - Q&A

  • No more proxy conf.

    line: 17, You've given complete command & control with: /var/run/docker.sock. I feel you should never do this and the articles that suggest situations where this could be O.K. are crazy. If you have ZERO skills in programming and/or the understanding of RTFM, then I understand, but you _should_ create a proxy container to communicate between the system and your current docker namespace exclusively. However, there has to be MANY Docker containers out there that already do this, it's just a matter of finding one.

    I don't use SWAG but I did use it a couple years ago when it was still called and I remember it had proxy templates you could use, what was wrong with that method?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    If you use the external storage app for your shared folders, it is ok. But you should not point your Nextcloud data folder to a shared folder. That will cause permission issues.

  • I don't know what to do, if I don't do anything the same thing happens, I've already deleted everything from nextcloud, swag and mariadb and it's still like that.

    Post all YMLs used.

    Hide sensible data.

  • Hi together,

    I'm fairly new to Linux and Container but I followed the respective guide of this thread to setup NC with swag on my Raspi 5.

    I just have two questions as, after digging into a bunch of threads and googling a lot I could not find matching answers.

    1. Where is the data folder that is used when setting up NC? As no volumes were created in the yml for the file storage I cannot find it in the appdata folder on my external drive but it's located somewhere on my microSD as the var/lib/docker is on it.

    2. How can I increase the upload file size limit? I already looked into the php-local.ini within the nextcloud appdata folder and placed this in it:

    upload_max_filesize = 16G
    post_max_size = 16G

    But still face the issue of being limited to 512 MB.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Where is the data folder that is used when setting up NC?

    Post the YML used but omit sensible INFO (password, email, url, etc)

    2. How can I increase the upload file size limit?

    Did you restarted nextcloud after editing that file?

    And how did you edit it?

    Which permissions are on the HOST php-local.ini file?

    It has to be owned by the UID:GID that is on the YML.

    And what shows on the Nextcloud System Page?

  • Hi Soma,

    thanks for your reply.

    This my yml:

    Forgot to mention that I also followed another post and added the following commands under environment:

          - PHP_UPLOAD_LIMIT=8G
          - PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT=8G

    I did restart the container but I also read somewhere that, when using swag, those parameters have also to be set for swag but I did not know where exactly.

    This is what my php-local.ini:

    The permissions for the file are:

    -rw-r--r-- 1 appuser users 49 Apr 25 23:35 php-local.ini

    And this is what the System Page shows

    Thanks in advance.

  • Forgot to mention that I also followed another post and added the following commands under environment:

    Post the link to the post where you saw that, please.

    Those envs don't exist on the linuxserver image.

    Remove them.

    - PUID=${PUID}

    - PGID=${PGID}

    Where is this env set?

    I find it better to use the proper number.

    Run on CLI id appuser and use that number. Should be 1000 or bigger, depending how many users you created.

    Same goes for GID. In your case will be 100.

    - PUID=1000 # Or 1001, or 1002, etc
    - PGID=100

    Since you didn't set a DATA volume, your data is volatile.

    You don't want that and need to have the volume on a seperate drive.

    You should start fresh and follow the guide proper because it is mentioned there:

          - /srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1/appdata/nextcloud/data:/data     #/srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1 needs to be adjusted

    Your YML should be something like:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Where is this env set?

    I find it better to use the proper number.

    Run on CLI id appuser and use that number. Should be 1000 or bigger, depending how many users you created.

    Same goes for GID. In your case will be 100.

    omv7:docker_in_omv []

    omv7:docker_in_omv []

  • Fatality2024

    Then it's better to open a new thread because this QA refers a specific created guide that expects a stablished set of lines on the YML.

    If followed verbatim, it's easy to help and figure where there's issues.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Then it's better to open a new thread because this QA refers a specific created guide that expects a stablished set of lines on the YML.

    If followed verbatim, it's easy to help and figure where there's issues.

    Using the plugin's environment variables file does not have to affect the configuration of the Nextcloud or Swag container on linuxserver.

    Those values are simply replaced by the values 1000 and 100 (or whatever) when the container is started.

    The OP is following the wiki procedure for defining values, nothing wrong with that.

    It would be more appropriate to ask the OP to also publish his environmental variables file to know what those values are.

    As explained here.…_request_on_the_omv_forum

  • Post the link to the post where you saw that, please.

    I found this here:…_file_size_2mb_in_docker/

    Where is this env set?

    I find it better to use the proper number.

    The env is set in the Docker Compose OMV plugin as chente pointed out. The variables are set accordingly for PUID and PGID. That should not be the problem as everything else works using those.

    The variables are set as follows:


    Since you didn't set a DATA volume, your data is volatile.

    You don't want that and need to have the volume on a seperate drive.

    You should start fresh and follow the guide proper because it is mentioned there:

          - /srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1/appdata/nextcloud/data:/data     #/srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1 needs to be adjusted

    OMG, I can't believe I missed that. I went over the YML again and again and totally lost that line. That explains a lot. Especially as I sometimes faced the "missing .ocdata" error when landing on the nc main page :).

    I will directly add that and start over again.

    But still, the question is, in which I files I will have to set the respective parameters to increase my upload limit.

    So, if you could tell me this, I think I might be good to go.

    Thanks again and sorry for missing that in my yml.

  • But still, the question is, in which I files I will have to set the respective parameters to increase my upload limit.

    php-local.ini is the file.

    Unless some other files are old versions, it should work OOB.

    This is how the lines are (my case)

    USER@HOST:~ $ cat /appdata/nextcloud/config/php/php-local.ini

    You also have inside the same folder a www2.conf file that you can tune to change the process manager of php-fpm (again, my case)

    USER@HOST:~ $ cat /appdata/nextcloud/config/php/www2.conf

  • Hey together,

    just wanted to give some feedback.

    I'd like to thank you for your help. Now, everything works like a charm :D.

    I'm just facing one last issue, which is hard to reproduce but maybe you'd have an idea.

    It occurs that after a while I'm not able to connect to my nextcloud anymore using the external domain from my desktop PC which is in the same network. However, when I hook a VPN in between or use my mobile (not in WLAN) I don't have that issue. It just seems to me that somehow my external WAN IP is getting blocked.

    Do you have any idea where I could have a look into that or what might cause the issue?


    I just found out in the fail2ban logs within swag that my IP gets banned every now and then. How could I resolve this? Setting my external IP as exception would mean to update the exception everytime I get a new IP from my provider, doesn't it? Is there another way?

    Thanks in advance.

  • So I'd been rocking this setup (subfolder) for years on my ISP supplied router and everything was great.

    I recently switched to pfSense, copied over the same port forwarding rule and corresponding firewall rule, and I just get this.

    Nothing else has changed.

    I have a bunch of other port forwarding rules in the NAT and all they work fine.

    I don't know where to start troubleshooting because Nextcloud isn't generating any log errors, and ngnix/access.log and ngnix/error.log remain empty after I cleared them. The only thing I have to go off is this error in the firewall logs.

    "/usr/local/www/nextcloud/index.php/204" failed (2: No such file or directory), client: 10.0.0.x, server: , request: "GET /nextcloud/index.php/204 HTTP/1.1", host: ""

    The docker containers logs for nextcloud, nextclouddb, and swag all report normal operation and no errors.

    Anyone care to point me what else to investigate next?

    Note, I tagged onto this thread for context, but I'm on the latest OMV6 update


    Solved. NAT reflection has to be set to Enabled (NAT + Proxy) for it work on the private lan.

  • A warning heads-up for those using this:

    The last update to v29.0.3-ls327 requires a deletion of some files:

    The error should be visible on the nextcloud docker logs:

    The solution is to go to the mentioned folders inside the container and delete those files.

    ONLY the .conf

    NOT the .conf.sample

    After, restart the container and the error will be gone (the following is my config PATH, yours would be different)

    No more error(s)

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