I am very happy with my OMV5 + Plex running on RP4 (8mb) after my second QNAP broke. I set up the whole system for the price they asked to fix it.
I have the RP4 connected to a SATA-USB3 box with 2 WD-red of 2T. And two more 1T external USB hard drives.
My current backup settings are:
- Daily system backup (DD full). Option to store 4 days.
- Weekly backup of the entire 2T disk to the second 2T sata disk, as instructed in the OMV5 installation guide, without the "--delete" argument, including the system backup folder.
- Monthly backup of all 2T disk, as in the weekly one above, but WITH the "--delete" argument.
- Weekly backup of all shared folders (movies, docs, system backup, etc.) individually for the two 1T disks (divided according to the folder size), without the "--delete" argument.
I feel it could be safer if the system backup was not on the 4 hard drives connected to the RP4, but due to the size of the backup folder (128gb) I couldn't find a better option.
Any thoughts?
Thank you.