Is my backup strategy correct?

  • Hello,

    I am very happy with my OMV5 + Plex running on RP4 (8mb) after my second QNAP broke. I set up the whole system for the price they asked to fix it.

    I have the RP4 connected to a SATA-USB3 box with 2 WD-red of 2T. And two more 1T external USB hard drives.

    My current backup settings are:

    • Daily system backup (DD full). Option to store 4 days.
    • Weekly backup of the entire 2T disk to the second 2T sata disk, as instructed in the OMV5 installation guide, without the "--delete" argument, including the system backup folder.
    • Monthly backup of all 2T disk, as in the weekly one above, but WITH the "--delete" argument.
    • Weekly backup of all shared folders (movies, docs, system backup, etc.) individually for the two 1T disks (divided according to the folder size), without the "--delete" argument.

    I feel it could be safer if the system backup was not on the 4 hard drives connected to the RP4, but due to the size of the backup folder (128gb) I couldn't find a better option.

    Any thoughts?

    Thank you.

    • Official Post

    You are missing off-site backup. Either in the cloud or on a portable drive that you store in another place.

    You might consider also replacing step 2 and 3 by using rsnapshot instead of rsync. Rsnapshot is easy to set up, but you need to think a bit how to restore (selecting the correct snapshot and how to copy the data back).

  • You are missing off-site backup. Either in the cloud or on a portable drive that you store in another place.

    You might consider also replacing step 2 and 3 by using rsnapshot instead of rsync. Rsnapshot is easy to set up, but you need to think a bit how to restore (selecting the correct snapshot and how to copy the data back).


    I tried to put the 128gb USB card in the free usb3 port (the two 2T WD-REDs are in a single USD3 port) but the system failed to recognize the two main disks. I imagine that there is a limitation in the number of storage units, as it would be the fifth. After I disconnected the USB card everything went back to normal.

    Regarding the cloud, which one do you suggest and where can I see more information? Due to the size of the Backup folder, how would it be possible to choose the oldest backup (4 days) of 32gb? I could also possibly create another weekly backup of the system in a remote folder, but I have to learn how to do this (fresh noob here).

    I'm going to study rsnapshot, thanks for the tip.

  • Did you test the sdcard Backup?

    Not yet. I ordered new SD cards, which are on the way and I will do a test.

    But I don't have Linux machines, only MacOS.

    I also ordered another 8mb RP4 to be a headless linux box so I can learn linux. After everything is ready I test the restore on a USB SDcard reader.

    • Official Post

    Regarding the cloud, which one do you suggest and where can I see more information? Due to the size of the Backup folder, how would it be possible to choose the oldest backup (4 days) of 32gb? I could also possibly create another weekly backup of the system in a remote folder, but I have to learn how to do this (fresh noob here).

    32GB is the OS, right? I would not do offsite backup of the OS, only of the data.

    For off-site backup I use Duplicati. You can run it in Docker. Advantage of Duplicati is, that it does local encryption. So even if somebody hacks your off-site account, they will not have access to your data as the data are encrypted. Another advantage is deduplication which keeps the backup small.

    As drawback both, encryption and deduplication, need quite some CPU power.

    There are other solutions like borgbackup which is available as plugin.

    Regarding the provider you need to check depending on your location and your needs especially how much space you need and that your backup software is able to write to the storage.

    Personally I use pCloud using webDAV which is supported by Duplicati.

  • I use duplicati on mac to backup documents to "". I will see the installation through the docker.

    I didn't know this pCloud. The 500gb lifetime access is very interesting, but I will test it with a free account.

  • Did you test the sdcard Backup?


    I imported the file "ddful.gz" to the mac and flash it directly with Belena etcher.

    Everything worked almost perfectly.

    Plex initially opened, but did not find the files when trying to watch a movie. After restarting the container everything returned to normal.

    A few moments ago I installed some system updates and restarted OMV. Everything now is working fine, including Plex.

  • Hi all,

    I am using a simple rsync backup using scheduled jobs. I am using the following command and I ran it 3 times -

    rsync -avHAXE /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DATA/ /srv/dev-disk-by-label-RSYNCBACKUP/

    The source disk (DATA) has a size of 1.79TB with a used / free space of 1.70TB / 85.04GB while the destination disk (RSYNCBACKUP) has a size of 1.79TB with a used / free space of 1.70TB / 83.64GB i.e. the backup disk is showing a free space of 1.4GB less than source but total size and used space are both same.

    Why is there a difference in free space and more importantly why is the backup eating more space on the disk? Is there something wrong with the options? New to both omv and rsync so any help / pointers would be appreciated.

    TIA! :)

    • Official Post

    Two possibilities come to my mind.

    Delete: if you deleted files on the source, they might have not been deleted n the destination

    Links: might be that links in the source have been replaced by the actual files.

    I did not check your options though.

  • macom I am sure I have not deleted anything in the source.. i ran the command 3 times and the last iteration completed without any files copied. Also, I am assuming links are taken care by the "a" option which implies "l" option to copy links as links. Though I do not think the content at present has any links at all.

  • Hello,

    Does the backup plugin allow you to create two scheduled jobs (one weekly and one daily) in different folders?

    My idea is to create a weekly backup (with the option to keep "0" copies) and through "duplicati" make a copy in the cloud.

    The daily backup (with the option to keep 3 copies) would be made a local backup.

    I tried to do what I wrote above but it didn't work. The two scheduled jobs wrote in the last selected folder.

    Thank you.

    • Official Post

    My idea is to create a weekly backup

    That would be one rsync job to backup folder No.1

    The daily backup (with the option to keep 3 copies) would be made a local backup.

    That would be one rsnapshot job to backup folder No. 2

    • Official Post

    Does the backup plugin allow you to create two scheduled jobs (one weekly and one daily) in different folders?


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