Give me a couple minutes and I'll fire up one of my epic long posts.
They are surely missed,
Give me a couple minutes and I'll fire up one of my epic long posts.
They are surely missed,
They are surely missed,
I've been having a lot of fun in discord. I didn't think I'd like it that much but it's been an interesting endeavor. I try to pop in here a good bit, but discord has been an interesting experience... especially since I tend to yammer a lot
Thank you for your help KM0201 i was thinking the seller might not want to take it back so i thought i would build it up now just in case but luckily i saved all the docker scripts from my old build so it didnt take that much time to get back up an running, also i found the VM does have a back up and restore function.....i found this out after i dismantled mantled machine 1 to put parts into machine 2 but at least i know for future reference.
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