Installation of OMV 5.x fails on Raspberry PI OS Bullseye with error when processing package nginx-full

  • I started with a a fresh new image of the latest version of the Raspberry PI OS Buster, and have followed the online guide "Installing OMV", next to firing the OS packages repository updates also the commands:

    sudo rm -f /etc/systemd/network/
    wget -O - | sudo bash

    However, the installation fails with an error message when processing the package "nginx-full" ;(.

    Here the installation transcript with the relevant parts as displayed on my terminal:

    Double-checking with the "journalctl -xe" command for further error messages, I am getting the following output:

    Thus, not sure if or whether any latest potential OS updates may break the installation. Do welcome any pointer(s) that may allow me troubleshoot further on above observed issues :/.

  • Did you run the script as root?

    If not, add sudo to the beginning of the command script.

  • I have rebooted the device with a "sudo shutdown -r now ; exit", logged in again and relaunched the installation again as above, and this time the installation of the "nginx-full" package worked fine :).

    Here an extract of the output of the transcript on my terminal:

    The installation script moved forward, however I lost connection to the terminal during the installation step where the script was configuring network interfaces.

    When I tried to log in again, and even again after a power recycle, I could no longer login to the device, always getting an "Acess denied" message despite supplying the known login name and the correct password =O.

    I powered the device off and on again (by unplugging the power cord and plugging it in again), still no luck: I can no longer login to the device ;(.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    If you have a display and keyboard attached you can use omv-firstaid

    Or you can use the install script with skipping the network setup…pt/#to-skip-network-setup

    Are you using lan or wlan connection on the RPi?

  • TL;DR (writing this from phone)

    Flash the Pi4 lite img (armhf or aarch64, it's OK either)

    Create an empty text file named ssh on the boot partition.

    Place the SD card on the Pi and boot it.

    It will take some time to expand the drive and it will reboot.

    Open PuTTY on PC and connect to hostname "raspberrypi"

    Login with user "pi" and password "raspberry"

    Run raspi-config and set a new password for Pi, set your local country, and enable SSH.

    Install "screen" and run the script inside a screen session. (Even if you loose connection, the script will continue until the end.

    Access OMV webgui with http://raspberrypi user "admin" password "openmediavault"

    Change what you need.


    Sorry for the speed run but it's THAT simple. 😉

  • carriba

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Installation of OMV 5.x fails on Raspberry PI OS Buster with error when processing package nginx-full“ zu „Installation of OMV 5.x fails on Raspberry PI OS Bullseye with error when processing package nginx-full“ geändert.
  • Planning to upgrade to Debian 11 and OMV6, I've just make a fresh BullsEye 64 bits on an other Pi4, and run the script. OMV 6 runs on first stunt. Still more to do to migrate all my Containers, but sounds good.

  • As the bullseye image is the "default" at the moment (both on the Raspberry website download section and in their Pi Imager Tool) and I had just received my Pi4 a few days ago (not doing much Linux or Pi stuff before this), I had OMV6 on my new Pi4 without even knowing that OMV6 is not a final/stable release, just because the OMV installer-script has not asked me or warned me, that the stable version is OMV5 and that it's not compatible with bullseye.

    I used this installer script: sudo wget -O - | sudo bash

    On OMV+Bullseye I had the problem that my SMB/CIFS transferspeed was very strange....for testing purposes I only had an old 2.5" USB2 HDD connected which Is limited to around ~28MB/s write and 32MB/s read speed.

    With SMB I was able to get ~26MB/s write speed from a Windows 10 computer to the Raspberry running OMV6, but when it comes to copying from the SMB share to the Windows 10 computer, I was stuck at ~15MB/s.

    So the tests began...trying to pinpoint why the write speed over SMB was so low.

    1. First I tried all those magic "extra parameters" for the SMB share, that can be found all over the forum without any change (and it takes a while to test, because of the cache on Pi+OMV...I needed to let a copy process run for a few seconds until the the Cache was empty/full and the Pi's IO process went to ~100%, than the speed for big files was shown. Of course I tested with "write cache" enabled (but also without just for testing) and with different file systems (NTFS first, then ext4 just to make sure it has nothing to do with NTFS).
    2. After no success, I checked the speed between Pi and HDD (running hdparm and dd tests with and without cache) and saw the values that I was expecting on this old external 2.5" USB.2.0 HDD....~28MB/s write speed, 31MB/s read speed. So this was not the problem.
    3. Next test: Checking my network performance with iperf between Pi and Windows computer!
      Depending on who was running as client and who was running as server on iperf the results were between 880MBit/s and 975MBit/s so this was fine as well.
    4. Enabling FTP and check if this protocol was giving me different performances:
      Write- and read-speed were around 26-30MB/s when using FTP, so it clearly must be a problem with SMB
    5. Checking SMB version:
      The connection between my Win10 computer and the Pi was using SMB3.1 so this seemded fine and forcing a lower protocol version via SMB extra parameters in OMV was not solving the problem

    After all this I remembered that in a youtube video someone was telling that many people had problems with GPIO or PiCams when they switched from Buster to Bullseye and that those people were kinda angry because bullseye was declared as a "stable" release.

    So I switched to the latest "buster" release but other than that installed every thing the same way (still using a lite Image without desktop, writing it to the microSD card with Pi Imager and after updating the packages etc. I used the same OMV installation script from their github.

    After this was done I loaded the OMV webgui, logged in and was immediately surprised that the looks of the OMV gui were different. So I checked the OMV version and only at that point I found out that:

    • OMV5 is a stable release, OMV6 is not
    • the script for OMV isntallation is checking if you run buster or bullsey
    • the OMV installation script automatically installs OMV6 when running bullseye (without informing the user that the latest stable OMV is not compatible with the latest stable Raspberry OS or asking if the user would like to proceed with nonstable OMV6 release installation or stop at that point

    With buster+OMV5 my SMB performance was fine out of the box with the same USB2 drive....29MB/s write speed, 31-33MB/s read speed.
    Also hitting ~75MB/s write speed and 100-110MB/s read speed on and USB3 Sandisk USB stick.

    Of course I'm still not 100% sure if the specific SMB read speed problem I had with bullseye+OMV6 was OMV related or a problem with bullseye itself, but as HDparm/DD, iperf and FTP performance was "normal" and only SMB performance was broken, I guess the source of that behavior is more on the OMV6 side of things.

    Long story short: I highly recommend bust+OMV5 over bullseye+OMV6 for now when using SMB shares, but you experience may vary.

    Maybe the devs could implement some additional lines in their script...I have no real clue on Linux or scripts but it seems like their is a check for bullseye and buster and an error feedback when running something else then Debian10 or Debian11 but no Feedback about what will happen after the script finds a bullseye installation.

    A pause with Feedback like

    "Debian 11 / Bullseye OS found! OMV5 is not compatible, only OMV6 can be installed but here is no stable release of OMV6 yet. Would you like to stop the script or proceed with nonstable OMV6 Installation instead? Y/N"

    would be appreciated from my beginner point of view.

    At least when running into issues after proceeding with the OMV6 installation the user knows this is not a stable release and any problems/strange behaviors on OMV might be related to that.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    without informing the user that the latest stable OMV is not compatible with the latest stable Raspberry OS or asking if the user would like to proceed with nonstable OMV6 release installation or stop at that point

    First, this is only a problem for RPi since they choose not to make it obvious which version you are installing. Armbian makes it obvious.

    Second, this script isn't always run by humans. So, having a prompt would be problematic.

    Third, most people will ignore it and just say yes anyway.

    Finally, how is the script supposed to know when OMV 6 is stable? I don't want to have to change code in the install script let alone at the exact moment OMV 6 is "stable". In my opinion it is stable. Just because smb is slow on some systems does not have to do with OMV's stability. It has to do with the samba version on that release of Debian and tuning on that particular system.

    The install guide helps avoid some of this.

    omv 7.4.6-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.3 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Ah okay, seems rasonable. Main reason for me to post my findings here is to help others that might also have Bullseye on a Pi and run into SMB performance problems with OMV6.

    I have no issues with that. But I don't think it is going to change unless someone finds a reason. There isn't anything broken that I know of. Changing things just for the RPi isn't usually a good idea. I am going to be upgrading my main server soon. I guess I will have to enable smb and test. i have nvme and 10GBe networking so I should really be able to tell.

    omv 7.4.6-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.3 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Hi,

    I cant install omv 5 raspberry pi4. ( I was install a lot af time before)

    I use this script everytime and I install raspbian desktop software..

    wget -O -…Script/raw/master/install | sudo bash

    but writing at least


    This system is running a desktop environment!

    Please use a Lite version of the image or

    do not choose to install a desktop environment.

    This install is not supported. Exiting..."

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo wget -O -…Script/raw/master/install | sudo bash

    --2022-01-08 09:08:10--…Script/raw/master/install

    Resolving (

    Connecting to (||:443... connected.

    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found

    Location: https://raw.githubusercontent.…tallScript/master/install [following]

    --2022-01-08 09:08:11-- https://raw.githubusercontent.…tallScript/master/install

    Resolving (,,, ...

    Connecting to (||:443... connected.

    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

    Length: 18423 (18K) [text/plain]

    Saving to: ‘STDOUT’

    - 100%[===================>] 17.99K --.-KB/s in 0.006s

    2022-01-08 09:08:11 (2.79 MB/s) - written to stdout [18423/18423]

    This system is running a desktop environment!

    Please use a Lite version of the image or

    do not choose to install a desktop environment.

    This install is not supported. Exiting...

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Installing on a system with a gui is not supported, as the output states. It never has been, but people did it at their peril. Now a gui causes the script to exit

  • Installing on a system with a gui is not supported, as the output states. It never has been, but people did it at their peril. Now a gui causes the script to exit

    I installed before OMV 5 same method.

    What can I do now? How can I install omv5.

    Thank you,

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I installed before OMV 5 same method.

    What can I do now? How can I install omv5.

    Thank you,

    you're asking the same question in 2 different threads... so I'd start by choosing one and sticking with it

    As I said... previously OMV would install when you had a Desktop, despite this not being recommended. Now, the installer checks for a desktop and exits w/o install, if it detects a desktop. So the only recourse you have is to install the Lite version (as I told you in your other thread) and then run the script. If you download Lite Legacy, you'll get OMV 5 when you run the script. If you download Lite (current) you'll get OMV 6 when you run the script.

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