Historically grown HDD setup: Upgrade or clean install?

  • Looking for advice on whether to upgrade or restart with a clean install...

    The last clean install was OMV4, which I upgraded to OMV5 (the hard way) when OMV4 went EOL.

    All extensions I'm using have been migrated, so I'm not worried there.

    I also understood that docker and docker containers should not be an issue as they are not really touched.

    I'm wondering about my disk setup though:

    My system SSD and some, but not all HDDs of a RAID5 have been installed under OMV4 and are still mounted by label, not by UUID.

    I also have MergerFS with 5 internal SATA HDDs and 1 external USB HDD (installed under OMV5, mounted by UUID)

    I understand that I was never supposed to upgrade OMV4 -> 5. Therefore my questions:

    1) Is the OMV5 -> 6 upgrade correctly handling "by-label-mounts" or not?

    2) Would you recommend me upgrading or clean installing this time?

    3) If the latter, is there some step-by-step guide you'd recommend to install the new system while keeping the RAID5 intact?

    Any advice appreciated...

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    1) Is the OMV5 -> 6 upgrade correctly handling "by-label-mounts" or not?

    Worked for me without issues.

    2) Would you recommend me upgrading or clean installing this time?

    You can try the release-upgrade, and if it fails you can still go for a fresh install.

    Make sure to have a backup of your OS drive. And maybe take some screenshots to be able to restore your configuration in case something goes wrong.

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