Hello everyone,
I recently got OMV 6 setup and running properly. I have a total of 3 drives:
1. SSD 100gb (Referred to as A)
2. HDD 1tb (Referred to as B)
3. HDD 1tb (Referred to as B, to be used as a mirror/backup of B)
I wanted to setup it up in a way that every user has write access to his own folder but has read access to all the other users folders inside B. Something like this:
- A
--- abc.txt
- B
--- Alpha
------- 1.txt
------- 2.txt
--- Beta
------- 1.png
Here I want the SSD to be used as a common drive with no read or write restrictions. In B however I want it such that user Alpha only has write access to Alpha but has read access to the whole B drive, the same for beta.
I tried messing around with shared folders and SMB shares but couldn't get it to work. Would really appeciatiate if someone could help.
Thanks a lot!
PS: Also how would I go about setting up a backup task to safely mirror the B drive over to the C drive using rsync or rsnapshot?