shared data NTFS -> openmediavault -> shared data ext4 - how to do?

  • NAS with 4 internal HDs, all formatted NTFS in separate partitions + no RAID.
    HD 1 contains the system partition with WHS2011 and partitions with free space. HD 2-4 containing the shared data.
    HD 1 crashes and is replaced by a new HD. The new HD 1 is formatted with ext4 and openmediavault V6 is installed, the other partitions on HD 1 are empty. HD 2-4 (NTFS) with shared data remain untouched.
    Openmediavault is running fine on HD 1 - access to the NAS as root is possible; mc is installed;
    Access to the NAS from a Win client via the web interface as webadmin is possible. With web interface the NTFS HDs can be mounted on the NAS.
    Idea: copy the shared data from HD 2 to the empty partitions on HD 1 on the NAS, format HD 2 with ext4, restore the shared data back from HD 1 to HD 2.
    Same with HD3+4.
    Problem: What exactly do I need to do to achieve this?
    Sorry OMV newbie ;)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Many ways to do it. Here is one. GUI means, this step can be don in the GUI of OMV. CLI means this step is to be done from the CLI

    1. create a filesystem on the empty partition on HD1 (GUI) (if you have more than one free partition on that disk, you might want to delete those partitions first and create one large one; this can be done by booting into a gparted live distro)
    2. mount the newly created filesystem and mount the filesystem on HD2 (GUI or CLI)
    3. move data from HD2 to the filesystem on HD1; check that everything is there (CLI with mc)
    4. unmount the filesystem on HD2 and wipe the drive from the GUI of OMV: this will delete all data on that drive
    5. create a new filesystem on HD2 and mount it (GUI)
    6. continue with HD3 and HD4 in the same way
    7. once everything is in place, mount all filesystems from the GUI of OMV (unmount the filesystems first if you mounted them from CLI before)
    8. create shared folders pointing to the existing folders on the drives (GUI; use the browser icon to browse the drive to avoid mistakes while typing)
    9. use the resetperms pllugin to reset permissions of each shared folder to default; make sure it is recursive (GUI)

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