Only empty graphs in the "Performance statistics" area

  • Hello,

    I have a new installation with omv 6.0.46

    In the "Performance Statistics" area, all graphics are empty.

    Calling omv-firstaid gives

    Checking all RRD files. Please wait ...
    All RRD database files are valid.
    ERROR: Command '['monit', 'start', 'rrdcached']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

    A look into the syslog shows:

    As a newbie the question: what can I do to fix the error?


  • What does this show?

    ls -al /sbin/start-stop-daemon*

    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    94 Nov  4 12:57 /sbin/start-stop-daemon
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 44232 Sep  1 05:38 /sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL

    Do you have updated your system since the installation?

    Yes, an update was performed:

    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

    Does anyone have ideas?

  • Hmm, I have installed usrmerge, which looks quite ok.

    omv:/# ls -alh /sbin
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Nov  4 12:45 /sbin -> usr/sbin
    omv:/# ls -alh /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  94 Nov  4 12:57 /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 44K Sep  1 05:38 /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL

    I am still a bit at a loss

  • Code
    omv:~# dpkg-divert --remove --rename /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon
    No diversion 'any diversion of /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon', none removed.
    omv:~# ls -alh /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  94 Nov  4 12:57 /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 44K Sep  1 05:38 /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL
    • Official Post
    omv:~# dpkg-divert --remove --rename /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon
    No diversion 'any diversion of /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon', none removed.
    omv:~# ls -alh /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  94 Nov  4 12:57 /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 44K Sep  1 05:38 /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL

    What aboutthis dpkg-divert --remove --rename /sbin/start-stop-daemon?

  • Code
    omv:~# dpkg-divert --remove --rename /sbin/start-stop-daemon
    Removing 'local diversion of /sbin/start-stop-daemon to /sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL'
    dpkg-divert: error: rename involves overwriting '/sbin/start-stop-daemon' with
      different file '/sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL', not allowed

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