[GUIDE] Sickbeard+SABnzbd+Couchpotato+Headphones+Others

  • Hello,

    i wont to Install nZEDb. I used the latest omv.sh Script from first Post here: http://forums.openmediavault.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2038

    Openmediadevault Version: 0.5.12 Edit by Davidh2k: There is no
    Fresh installed on HP Microserver N54L. Repeated and tested 2x.

    Failur-log on Install say: not found openmediadevault:mysql (not exactly)

    On Setup Page from nZEDb, Stage 2, i must setup the Database:
    I used:
    Database System: mysql
    Port: 3306
    Username: root
    Password: 1234

    Failure Code is:
    • Unable to connect to database:
    could not find driver

    Login local or SSH: "mysql -u root -p1234" works.

    How is the correct setup Listing?

    Sorry for my bad english. I use Goole Translate & Co.




    Davidh2k Edit by Davidh2k: There is no

    I have Installed from CD Version + alle updates,that were possible.
    The Screenshot is from Web UI.

  • Hello, BicBucStriim problem
    I have make a folder called /books/ on one of my hard drives the hard drive has the label 3tbaplications, and uuid is 029db756-ba90-482b-9acb-516c38162bd3.
    My openmedivault server is working fine except for this when I load this page
    I found the calibre library check and say Calibre directory with a red dot I try
    and nothing I not found how to say where is the folder of my calibre library on OMV :oops:
    I know is noob question but please help :cry:
    The same issue I have with Mylar that I can't add a folder to download
    ANY HELP is welcome :D


  • GHoG, there is no openmediavault-mysql plugin (yet) so that part of the install fails, you could try installing the normal MySQL but you would need to manually create the database before going to the setup pages.

    apt-get install MySQL

    During the install it should ask you to set a password, this is for MySQL, its a global password and not the one you would use on the setup page, when you run the next command it is the password you use on the first line.

    mysql -u root -pPASSWORD#1 -e "CREATE DATABASE newznab;
    CREATE USER 'newznab'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD#2';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON newznab.* TO newznab @'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD#2';"

    the passwords on lines 2 and 3 should be the same and is what you would use on the setup page. Make sure you put the password in between the 'HERE'

    ialvarez, it maybe /media/029db756-ba90-482b-9acb-516c38162bd3/book/
    You also need to have installed calibre and set the output folder to the same location as this is what BicBucStriim is looking for, if your running calibre on your windows machine then this would/should be a shared folder on OMV.

    What I am watching/watched on my Popcorn Hour media player
    omv 2.1.1 stoneburner | 64 bit | omvextrasorg 1.29
    MySQL (Percona[size=8]) | Newznab | Sonarr | CP | HP | NZBget | YAMJ | CUPS

  • Hi first thanks for your fast answer jhmiller


    ialvarez, it maybe /media/029db756-ba90-482b-9acb-516c38162bd3/books/

    I try to add the folder I made a new calibre library on my OMV
    So I open calibre and the new calibre library is in \\OPENMEDIAVAULT\Books\Calibre Library
    Calibre makes the calibre library folder automaticaly
    as share for windows trough SMB
    When I go to
    and save this page appears
    The requested ressource is not available. This should not happen. Please check your Calibre library for defects

    and have this checked on the install check page (
    info Is URL rewriting enabled? No and a red dot.

    I check with calibre the library and say no errors.

    Thanks in advance

    Can you help me please I can't make this work
    OMV 5.12

  • Code
    mysql -u root -pPASSWORD#1 -e "CREATE DATABASE newznab;
    CREATE USER 'newznab'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD#2';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON newznab.* TO newznab @'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD#2';"

    That is important and right.

    It is missing the package php-mysql

    apt-get install php5-mysql

    This works.

    I thank you verry much.

  • I deinstalled couchpotato using the script and installed from debian repo.
    Works much better now, moves all movies and add all subtitles and doesnt hog the cpu anymore.
    2 more questions tho :

    How on earth do i prevent the subtitles from having the language code in the naming (movietitle.year.nl.srt)?
    I think i'm not using the right query on google to get an answer as i can't even find one that even comes close.

    I might ask on cp(need to register there) how to auto start it? It seems to need user couchpotato and something with opt.

    Need some sleep now this thing gave me a headache litteraly.(to few sleep)

  • Mine does the same sometimes doesent move the movies but depends on how much its just snatched, if i restart using web gui it just keeps spinning so i have to ssh in and service CouchPotatoServer Stop then Service CouchPotatoServer Start and all good again

    OMV 5 - 64 bit
    Dell T430, 16gb Ram, 5 x 3TB HDD Raid5, 1 x 120GB 2.5" SSD (OS)

  • I removed the one from the script.
    I do get better results with the regular version (might be luck?)
    But still restarting through gui does not work.
    After a few hours it does not move movies anymore. Even tho couchpotato is just idle as sab is processing the list at that point.
    couchpotato is also a cpu hog. It is dominating the cpu usage pushing it to its limits the longer it runs (even without tasks given.)
    cpu celeron 847 @1.1Ghz
    It does move more movies and also the subtitles are done now (I got only 1 subtitle with the script install). Now i get all subs(if available) after the move.
    Subs do have a .lang.srt thingy and popcorn hour does not like that.

    I will test further if i get some time. Might install a clean debian or ubuntu to check if it has something to do with the os somehow but i doubt it.
    Rather seems couchpotato is unstable as is.

  • Hey Guys

    Quick one for you. I'm having trouble setting directories for downloaded files in deluge.
    My omv server has 1 HDD "sda", on this HDD is 1 file system "sda1", in this file system is 1 shared folder "Test". What path do I set my deluge directories to?


  • It should be something like

    /media/UID OF DRIVE(long number code)/FOLDER/FOLDER

    the most important part is the /media, this is the path to all your mounted hard drives.

    What I am watching/watched on my Popcorn Hour media player
    omv 2.1.1 stoneburner | 64 bit | omvextrasorg 1.29
    MySQL (Percona[size=8]) | Newznab | Sonarr | CP | HP | NZBget | YAMJ | CUPS

  • thanks for the fast reply.
    That worked perfectly, but I have another question.

    I have set the directory as you stated and it works
    /media/UID OF DRIVE/Test ( the Test folder was a share created in OMV Webui).

    now what I want to do put the downloaded files into a folder that I created within the Test folder.
    I used a windows computer to create a folder called Torrents. when I set the directory to
    /media/UID OF DRIVE/Test/Torrents it will only download to /home/deluge. I'm guessing there is a permission issue because the folder was created in windows.

    any ideas how to fix this?


  • Did you change the default download folder from /home/deluge to your new path in deluge settings? maybe restarting deluge is required.

    You can remove the folder you made with windows and create it using the shell

    rm -R /media/UID OF DRIVE/Test/Torrents
    mkdir -p /media/UID OF DRIVE/Test/Torrents

    What I am watching/watched on my Popcorn Hour media player
    omv 2.1.1 stoneburner | 64 bit | omvextrasorg 1.29
    MySQL (Percona[size=8]) | Newznab | Sonarr | CP | HP | NZBget | YAMJ | CUPS

  • Thanks jhmiller

    was definitely a permissions issue, just found another way, I set the permissions for the folders within Test to read write through omv webgui and all is a OK.

    thanks again mate, love the work and effort you have put into this.


  • I am having a problem with OMV 4 and your couchpotato Master and Dev builds where I can only send films to transmission for 10 seconds. Any time after these initial 10 seconds it will fail to send any more films unless I restart couchpotato then it will last for another 10 seconds.

    Log files from couchpotato

    10-03 21:02:56 INFO [.downloaders.transmission] Sending "Before Midnight 2013 720p BluRay x264-SPARKS" (torrent) to Transmission.
    10-03 21:03:07 INFO [.downloaders.transmission] Torrent sent to Transmission successfully.
    10-03 21:03:08 INFO [core.media._base.searcher] Snatched "Before Midnight 2013 720p BluRay x264-SPARKS": Before Midnight (2013) in 720P
    10-03 21:04:10 INFO [hpotato.core.plugins.base] Opening url: https://www.******/login, params: with data
    10-03 21:04:17 INFO [hpotato.core.plugins.base] Opening url: https://www.******/download/*****/*****/Before.Midnight.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS.torrent, params: []
    10-03 21:04:20 INFO [.downloaders.transmission] Sending "Before.Midnight.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS" (torrent) to Transmission.
    10-03 21:04:20 ERROR [.downloaders.transmission] Invalid Transmission Username or Password, check your config
    10-03 21:04:20 ERROR [.downloaders.transmission] Failed sending torrent to Transmission

    However on a manual build of ubuntu and couchpotato it works fine. Any ideas posted this over at the sites GitHub but they delevopers were unable to help they suggest it was to do with the build on my OVM.

    Could it be the version of transmission? It is only 2.72 with OVM 4 and I am wondering if some how I upgraded to transmission-deamon 2.82 this might fix it as the ubuntu build is 2.82.

    Is there anything you can think of? As this is driving me totally mad.

  • That is an issue with CouchPotato, I reported it a week or so ago and others have confirmed it on the git hub issues page. I am not sure but believe most of them don't use OMV so doubt it is an install problem.

    What I am watching/watched on my Popcorn Hour media player
    omv 2.1.1 stoneburner | 64 bit | omvextrasorg 1.29
    MySQL (Percona[size=8]) | Newznab | Sonarr | CP | HP | NZBget | YAMJ | CUPS

  • hey jHmiller,

    thank you for your work on this script.

    unfortunately the installer for SICKBEARD does not work anymore (other things like sabnzbd) are working like a charme

    I'm receiving the following error message

    Downloading and installing SickBeard....
    ./omvinstalls.sh: Zeile 1973: git: Kommando nicht gefunden. (command not found in english)
    git clone SickBeard failed with exit status 127

    maybe you can fix this ? :)

  • Code
    apt-get install git


    "Well... lately this forum has become support for everything except omv" [...] "And is like someone is banning Google from their browsers"

    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

    Upload Logfile via WebGUI/CLI
    #openmediavault on freenode IRC | German & English | GMT+1
    Absolutely no Support via PM!

  • Thanks David, beat me to it lol

    Strange error though as git is installed by the script (well, it should be) sabnzbd does not need it but sickbeard, couchpotato and a few others do.

    What I am watching/watched on my Popcorn Hour media player
    omv 2.1.1 stoneburner | 64 bit | omvextrasorg 1.29
    MySQL (Percona[size=8]) | Newznab | Sonarr | CP | HP | NZBget | YAMJ | CUPS

  • Well, when he tries to install it manually it may show the underlying problem.


    "Well... lately this forum has become support for everything except omv" [...] "And is like someone is banning Google from their browsers"

    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

    Upload Logfile via WebGUI/CLI
    #openmediavault on freenode IRC | German & English | GMT+1
    Absolutely no Support via PM!

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