thats work tanks !
have you a solution for personal folder who need login ?
thats work tanks !
have you a solution for personal folder who need login ?
have you a solution for personal folder who need login ?
Yes. Follow an updated guide instead of following old threads.
Yes. Follow an updated guide instead of following old threads.
Thread[How-To] Nextcloud with swag (Letsencrypt) using OMV and docker-composeDocker Container set up by this method can be managed by Portainer or from CLI.
In order to be able to reach nextcloud from the internet you need an external IPv4 address and a hostname.
Regarding external IPv4 address check you router or ask your internet service provider.
To register a hostname you can use services like duckdns,, or many others.
Make sure to use strong passwords!!!
- Install and fully update OMV (a restart might be needed if the kernel
i find finaly solution with Samba, it is yout solution ?
it is yout solution ?
Yes. That's what I do
Bro, for the life of me, where the fu** is this setting.
I just want my nextcloud installation config running on my raspi boot sd drive and the actual Data on my RAID 0 SSDs. I have my nextcloudpi image running in docker.
How did you setup nextcloud? WIth portainer? With a docker-compose file?
How did you setup nextcloud? WIth portainer? With a docker-compose file?
Sorry for being emotional I lost half my sanity trying to understand how this works.
My setup:
-Raspberry CM4 - 4GB RAM, SD Card for booting 128GB, wireless connection
- On the CM4, PCIe to 4x SATA Adapter: 2x 2TB SSD, 2x 1x TB SSD, both each RAID 0 in openmediavault
In Openmediavault:
- Installed Docker, Portainer
In Docker:
- Installed "nextcloudpi" (apparently a preconfigured image of nextcloud?)
> after installation I was left with one running container, containing nextcloud
- Configured nextcloud, works so far off my boot sd card.
What I am trying to achieve is:
- Nextcloud config running on SD Card, in docker
- Nextcloud Data being saved on either or each RAID 0
I basically want to work as If I was working in the explorer over SMB, but instead of that, over HTTPs to not have to use a VPN. Makes it easier to share data for my family.
But I am completely new to docker.
I was trying to add storage locally to nextcloud, however, the doenst recognize it.
I tried the official tutorial, with chmod + chown
> Ich bin übrigens Deutsch, falls es das einfacher macht
In Docker:
- Installed "nextcloudpi" (apparently a preconfigured image of nextcloud?)
Ho2? Some documentation?
my raspi boot sd drive and the actual Data on my RAID 0 SSDs.
What an excelent mix for disaster: a pi and a RAID 0.
nextcloudpi image running in docker.
Why not ask on the NextcloudPi GitHub for support?
This thread was made for Omv4, when there's was a docker plugin.
The quote you posted doesn't exist anymore.
nextcloudpi uses a weird way of running docker-nextcloud.
If you see their github, you'll see it's a bit different than linuxserver
what's Ho2?
The image is official.
Have a look here
at "mounting an external drive"
As the drive is already mounted you can skip this step.
And I agree with Soma. Raid 0 on a RPi is a bad idea.
Display MoreHave a look here…ed-with-ncp-docker/126081
at "mounting an external drive"
As the drive is already mounted you can skip this step.
And I agree with Soma. Raid 0 on a RPi is a bad idea.
Is there specifically anything wrong with RAID 0 on a Raspberry?
I only heard performance sucks on the software Raid, and If you have a Backup strategy you can mitigate the risk of striping, no?
I avoided USB by going for the compute Module 4 and plugging SATA Extension Card into the 1x1 PCIe
Is there specifically anything wrong with RAID 0 on a Raspberry?
It's not only on Pis but on all systems, if 1x drive is lost, ALL DATA is gone.
If you have a Backup strategy you can mitigate the risk of striping, no?
And this shows you know your stuff.
That is the proper approach to RAID,
Keep it up.
It didn't work for me
version: "2"
image: linuxserver/nextcloud
container_name: nextcloud
- PUID=1000 #change PUID if needed
- PGID=100 #change PGID if needed
- TZ=Europe/Kiev #change Time Zone if needed
- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-a92616e3-8db5-4989-9e55-258365a94fea/dockerapp/nextcloud/config:/config #/srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1 needs to be adjusted
- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-a92616e3-8db5-4989-9e55-258365a94fea/dockerapp/nextcloud/data:/data #/srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1 needs to be adjusted
- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-a92616e3-8db5-4989-9e55-258365a94fea/nextcloud:/storage
- mariadb
ports: # uncomment this and the next line if you want to bypass the proxy
- 80:80
restart: unless-stopped
image: linuxserver/mariadb
container_name: mariadb
- PUID=1000 #change PUID if needed
- PGID=100 #change PGID if needed
- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mariadbpassword #change password
- TZ=Europe/Kiev #Change Time Zone if needed
- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-a92616e3-8db5-4989-9e55-258365a94fea/dockerapp/mariadb:/config #/srv/dev-disk-by-label-disk1 needs to be adjusted
restart: unless-stopped
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