OMV6 - KVM- Homeassistent

  • Hello,

    I´m new at OMV6.

    I install OMV6 to use it as NAS an the second use should be the Home of my Home automation that actually run on a Raspberry Pi.

    I struggel with the install of the VM Image on the KVM at OMV6. Is there anybody who use it on the same way and can help?



    • Official Post

    Have you seen this?

    But you could also run homeassitant as docker.

    • Official Post

    .qcow2 is a disk you can add to a virtual machine in KVM.

    I don't use the plugin, but I assume you can just add it to the pool in the plugin and then create a VM booting from that disk.

  • Okay,

    i copied the qcow2 to the pool folder and change the Name of the VM to the name of the qcow2 file.

    but when ich start the Vm i get this Error...

    I don´t know what that is.

    My system is a HP GEN7 N54L, 16GB RAM

    and in the Bios the virtualizations is enabeld.

    anybody a solution of this?

    Thanks André

  • Did you extract the .qcow2 file, if you just copied the file haos_ova-9.2.qcow2.xz then it will not work until it's extracted

    Yes i do. with unxz i do this.

    I think i will reinstall the KVM and try again with a fresh install of KVM.

    Can you explain me wich settings ich have to do at the creation of the VM

  • Oh boy, I was searching up and down the Linux Mailing List, but you have to switch to the Kernel either with upgrade or apt-get install linux-image-5.18.0-0.deb11.4-amd64 , after that, KVM will work fine again.

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