Update via WebGUI messed up my system

  • I'm on omv6 on a dedicated machine and the system was running smoothly until I started the update process. This morning I installed the available updates via the workbench. This cause a "connection lost" message at some point. I then connected as root via ssh to the machine and tried to do an "apt update && apt omv-upgrade" but at first the DNS resolver was down which I could resolve via systemctl start resolver.service (or something like that). apt update went through but omv-upgrade was not installed anymore. I panicked and installed omv and extras via dpkg -i openmediavault[...].deb which made omv-upgrade available again but threw a bunch of dependency issues (unsurprisingly).

    What I tried to do:

    * dpkg -configure -a does do anything

    * apt --fix-broken install wants to uninstall omv and extras. doing so and trying to install omv again throws dependency errors

    * omv-upgrade uninstalls omv and extras

    * apt dist-upgrade (and apt install openmediavault) results in:

    When I try to install those services one by one I get more dependency error messages.

    What is working:

    • - Workbench GUI
    • - Containers
    • - NSF seems ok

    What is NOT working:

    • - SMB/Samba
    • - Backup?
    • - probably a whole Bunch of "behind the scene" things that I'm not yet aware about

    I'm getting desperate because of my limited Linux skills. Is there any way to salvage my half-running system? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  • chente

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
  • Try apt-get install wsdd

    I did try that but to no avail. This is what I get:

    I also tried

    sudo apt-get --fix-broken install wsdd samba samba-common-bin avahi-daemon libnss-mdns samba-vfs-modules chrony libnss-resolve wsdd

  • It seems you are mixing Debian 11 and 12. OMV6 is only running on Debian 11.

    Make sure to remove all repositories pointing to Debian 12 Bookworm.

    You are correct, this is my /etc/apt/sources.list:

    I don't know anymore why I added those last two lines back when upgrading to OMV6 but I suspect these are the culprits. Stable is now Debian 12, correct?

    I have now removed the last two lines but I am still not able to install openmediavault because it requires chrony which has unmet dependencies that I cannot resolve:

    Is there a way to set everything straight or do I have to figure out how to do a backup restore?

  • I was able to recover the system without a restore. I installed aptitude and it was quite helpful in regards to managing the dependencies.

  • bitteinbit

    Hat das Label gelöst hinzugefügt.

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