Update installs error message

  • Been getting error messages when performing updates. The updates seem to work but I get an error each time.

    After a recent hard drive issue, I have been redownloading most of my media but haven't really done anything with OMV, it's all been media downloads

    To not exceed the character limit, I have removed some of the lines that repeat the message "dpkg: cannot write to log file '/var/log/dpkg.log': No space left on device"

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    It looks like your system drive is full.

  • votdev

    Hat das Label gelöst hinzugefügt.
  • It looks like your system drive is full.

    This is what I get using the NCDU tool. My OS drive is a 128Gb SSD that is only using 12Gb - not sure how it can be full

  • dpkg: cannot write to log file '/var/log/dpkg.log': No space left on device

    This usually means your folder2ram is full, NOT the OS drive.

    Search - openmediavault

    How much memory do you have on your system?

    Specs of the system?

    Are you using the flash-memory plugin?

    If yes, go to the Services-> Flashmemory and click sync all

    Then try on CLI and post the output of:

    sudo apt --list-upgradable

    sudo omv-upgrade

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    This usually means your folder2ram is full, NOT the OS drive.

    I think you're right, this thread explains it. Why am I seeing all these "no space left on device" entries in the syslog?

    If yes, go to the Services-> Flashmemory and click sync all

    What I don't understand is how sync all can help. As far as I know what it does is only copy the RAM to the disk. Or have I missed something else?

  • As far as I know what it does is only copy the RAM to the disk.

    The way I understand it, sync will release that space on RAM leaving it free again to other data.

    Or not, :saint:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The way I understand it, sync will release that space on RAM leaving it free again to other data.

    Or not, :saint:

    This is what I found:

    That writes the ram to the drive, but does not free ram.

  • Please post the output of df -h

  • System is an i9-10900K with 16GB of RAM. I have done a sync all but it didn't change the log file size

  • I have done a sync all but it didn't change the log file size

    I probably gave you a wrong apt command.

    Writing from memory and on phone is not easy.

    Well, at least, you have no error this time on the omv-upgrade.

    Your /var/log is showing full and a 7.8Gb size.

    You need to dig down and see which log is filling it.

  • Using ncdu -x, this is as far as I can drill down

  • See the size of syslog and kern.log

    They are big.

    You can get some free space by deleting the .1 versions but you need to figure out what is spamming those files.

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