What is the easiest way to download files from a remote server to my OMV server?

  • I have a remote server that uses rtorrent to download certain files. I usually connect to that server over SFTP using Filezilla to download the files to my local desktop PC, then transfer them to my OMV server (also through an SFTP connection). That's slow since I'm going through my desktop PC so lately I've been SSHing into my OMV server and using an scp command to download files from the remote server directly to the OMV server.

    The problem with this is that it's cumbersome to open the rtorrent web gui, find the exact file paths for the items I want to grab, then SSH into my OMV server and write the command to download them. I also haven't figured out how to run multiple scp commands concurrently so I have to do things in batches.

    For example, scp -pr user@remote.example.com:/media/sdp1/username/private/rtorrent/data/*foldername*/*/*.mkv . will grab all the mkv files nested in a folder who's name contains "foldername" and downloads them to the current directory.

    I've considered setting up rsync to automatically grab everything from my remote server but I would still need to SSH into my OMV server to move things to the right directories using mv. I find this to be slightly cumbersome but it would be relatively quick since everything is on one disk. Maybe I could cobble together a script to intelligently copy files to certain directories based on file name (movies vs TV vs books, etc) but I'm not sure yet. I'll have to think on that for a bit.

    I guess my question to anyone who reads this is: Are there any OMV plugins that would make my life easier here? Or are there any command line applications that can mimic the ease of use of Filezilla in a CLI environment to make it easier to download the files into certain directories?

    It would be really nice if there was an OMV plugin that allowed me to see all the files on my remote server from the OMV web GUI and allowed me to download them to the server without going through my desktop PC.

  • chente

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
  • Three things came to mind:

    1. Could you cut out the 'middle man' and download the files straight to OMV instead of them going to the remote server?
    2. There is a technology called FXP which OMV seems to support that does server-to-server transfers without going via a client. If the remote server supports it too, that might be a way. I did a quick search for FTP programs that support FXP and most were paid-for and Windows specific.
    3. Is it possible to use rsync on OMV to pull stuff down from the server via an automated job? This YouTube video deals with that topic: Rsync - the OMV way!
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Is it possible to use rsync on OMV to pull stuff down from the server via an automated job?

    I do remote syncs between different servers every night with rsync and Wireguard. I set it up a long time ago this way.

    Now it's easier since the wireguard plugin supports point-to-point configurations.

  • Three things came to mind:

    1. Could you cut out the 'middle man' and download the files straight to OMV instead of them going to the remote server?
    2. There is a technology called FXP which OMV seems to support that does server-to-server transfers without going via a client. If the remote server supports it too, that might be a way. I did a quick search for FTP programs that support FXP and most were paid-for and Windows specific.
    3. Is it possible to use rsync on OMV to pull stuff down from the server via an automated job? This YouTube video deals with that topic: Rsync - the OMV way!

    I still need to keep the remote server for my particular use case but I'll look into FXP. Rsync is pretty much what I figured I'd need to use but I hadn't put much thought into the best way to set it up. I'll check out that video, thanks!

    I do remote syncs between different servers every night with rsync and Wireguard. I set it up a long time ago this way.

    Now it's easier since the wireguard plugin supports point-to-point configurations.

    Perfect, I'm going to check that out. Thanks!

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