Upgrade to from 6 -> 7 didn't work

  • Hi,

    I have tried to make and upgrade via ssh and it first looked like it worked, I got confirmation that everything is fine and I should reboot.

    After the reboot I got the error of a resolver issue, which I tried to fix by changing the interface setting to DHCP. It looked like it worked. After updating the packages, I had around 540 packages to update.

    Once I started the update, it stopped in the UI with a 404 error message. I rebooted the system and since then, when I login to via ssh, it does not recognize the omv commands.

    I read in another thread to provide the following outputs, maybe it helps.

    It is showing that the upgrade to 7 didn't work.

    root@openmediavault:~# dpkg -l | grep openm
    rc  openmediavault                     6.9.11-4                             all          openmediavault - The open network attached storage solution
    rc  openmediavault-diskstats           6.0.5-1                              all          openmediavault disk monitoring plugin
    ii  openmediavault-keyring             1.0.2-2                              all          GnuPG archive keys of the openmediavault archive
    rH  openmediavault-usbbackup           6.0.5-1                              all          openmediavault USB/eSATA backup plugin
    rc  openmediavault-wetty               6.0.7-1                              all          openmediavault WeTTY (Web + TTY) plugin
    root@openmediavault:~# ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
    insgesamt 24
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 15. Apr 11:51 .
    drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 15. Apr 12:10 ..
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root  150 15. Apr 11:51 openmediavault-kernel-backports.list
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root  406 15. Apr 11:51 openmediavault.list
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root   60  4. Jun 2023  openmediavault-local.list
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root  336 15. Apr 11:51 openmediavault-os-security.list

    Is there anything else I can do to identify the issue?

    I can't even use the normal update command anymore, it says that the command is not found.

    root@openmediavault:~# echo $PATH

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von macom () aus folgendem Grund: removed "I think I have posted the topic in the wrong Forum. Can someone move it to the correct one, please?" after moving the thread

  • I run the command but it seems it didn't work completely.

    I got an error

    Looking at the versions, I am still on 6.x

    root@openmediavault:~# dpkg -l | grep openm
    rc  openmediavault                     6.9.11-4                             all          openmediavault - The open network attached storage solution
    rc  openmediavault-diskstats           6.0.5-1                              all          openmediavault disk monitoring plugin
    ii  openmediavault-keyring             1.0.2-2                              all          GnuPG archive keys of the openmediavault archive
    iU  openmediavault-omvextrasorg        7.0                                  all          OMV-Extras.org Package Repositories for OpenMediaVault
    rH  openmediavault-usbbackup           6.0.5-1                              all          openmediavault USB/eSATA backup plugin
    rc  openmediavault-wetty               6.0.7-1                              all          openmediavault WeTTY (Web + TTY) plugin
  • all I get is

    now some of the omv- commands are listed, but not all.

    Do I need to do any other steps? Should I run the 6 to 7 fix script once more?

    sudo wget -O - https://github.com/OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers/installScript/raw/master/fix6to7upgrade | sudo bash
  • Looking at the versions, I am still on 6.x

    They are showing rc which means removed but configurations still exist

    Did you make a OS drive backup as is advised before trying the upgrade (which I assume with omv-release-upgrade)?

    What is the output of:

    sudo apt list --upgradable

    sudo apt-cache policy openmediavault

    ls -al /etc/default/openm*

  • I did not make a OS drive backup :-/

    Yes, I have used the omv-release-upgrade command.

    The output is as follows:

    root@openmediavault:~# sudo apt-cache policy openmediavault
      Installiert:           (keine)
      Installationskandidat: 7.0.5-1
         7.0.5-1 500
            500 http://packages.openmediavault.org/public sandworm/main amd64 Packages
            500 https://openmediavault.github.io/packages sandworm/main amd64 Packages
         6.9.11-4 -1
            100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
    root@openmediavault:~# ls -al /etc/default/openm*
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1975 22. Jan 2023  /etc/default/openmediavault
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1827 28. Mär 2023  /etc/default/openmediavault.dpkg-dist

    should I simply run and apt-get update && apt-get upgarde? Don't want to mess up more, so I am not sure

  • I did not make a OS drive backup :-/

    Then do it now before trying anything else.

    Your system is a mess and anything you can try might make it worst or even make it unusable.

    In last case, you will have to start with a fresh install.

    The amount of upgradable packages don't show it but what is (don't know if it will work)
    apt list --upgradable | grep openm

    You can test/run any commands from apt with the --dry-run flag to see what it will change on the system:

    apt install --reinstall -f --dry-run

    Post it's output.

    I'll leave the rest inside the SPOILER for later.

  • Just saw this mentioned on the omv-mkaptidx:


    You can try what it says there:

    Check the error with:

    python3 -vc 'import apt'

    Then check what's on the folder:

    [tt]ls -al /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/__pycache__/[/tt]

    Post the output

  • Hi Soma ,

    I appreciate your help!

    I am not so experienced with debian and linux.

    Here is the output from comment #10

    root@openmediavault:~# apt list --upgradable | grep openm
    WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.
    openmediavault-usbbackup/sandworm,sandworm 7.0.2-1 all [aktualisierbar von: 6.0.5-1]

    The apt install --reinstall -f --dry-run command gives plenty of packages to be update. Please let me know if I should wait or run it.

    Here is the output of comment #11.

  • The apt install --reinstall -f --dry-run command gives plenty of packages to be update. Please let me know if I should wait or run it.

    You can try just:

    apt install --reinstall -f openmediavault --dry-run

    Should give a smaller output.

  • Seems some packages are broken.

  • Seems some packages are broken.

    Sorry, I don't speak german.

    Probieren Sie »apt --fix-broken install«, um dies zu korrigieren

    What is that ?

  • Soma sorry, didn't know there is a way to display the output in english

    macom thank you!

  • didn't know there is a way to display the output in english

    Me neither.

    Thanks macom

    Now, at least we have some info from apt of what is going on.

    I can't guarantee that it will work. This is what I would do if it was my system.

    If you accept the risk of what follows, then run:

    apt --fix-broken install

    dpkg -l | grep openmedia

  • I guess that didn't go so well :)

    The part where error occurred during the fixing

    root@openmediavault:~# dpkg -l | grep openmedia
    iF  openmediavault                     7.0.5-1                              all          openmediavault - The open network attached storage solution
    rc  openmediavault-diskstats           6.0.5-1                              all          openmediavault disk monitoring plugin
    ii  openmediavault-keyring             1.0.2-2                              all          GnuPG archive keys of the openmediavault archive
    iU  openmediavault-omvextrasorg        7.0                                  all          OMV-Extras.org Package Repositories for OpenMediaVault
    rU  openmediavault-usbbackup           7.0.2-1                              all          openmediavault USB/eSATA/SD backup plugin
    rc  openmediavault-wetty               6.0.7-1                              all          openmediavault WeTTY (Web + TTY) plugin

    Is there anything else I can do?

    omv seems to be on version 7.

    I get the login page, but when I try to login it says 500 no such page or file

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