HPE Proliant Servers

  • I was reading through your post, and honestly although I see some SMART issues this should not have any effect on the disk itself. My only advise is to try and zero out at least the first few hundred megabytes across the disk, and try formatting it again on EXT4 using the web GUI. I've seen my own share of odd behaviors when there was data already present on the drive.

    I will try but these HDD are brand new, with no data on it.
    In the mean time, this morning I started the NAS, it was shut down for a few days, didn'd had time for it, and in stead of booting, OMV just showed me this message:

    What should I do. The SD card I use is a 16 GB SanDisk extreme brand new so it should be reliable.

  • The problem with the two HHD was that they were not spinning at all.
    Probably they were broke by the shipper during transport, I gave them back to be replaced.
    I will move the GRUB issue on another tread.

  • i had this bug above, and it has been fixed by entering in bios, and use masked menu on HP bios.
    This bug is displayed when we use more than 4 HDDs, if i remember, on our HP proliant. Mine is a Gen8.

  • Better late than never. I finally succumbed to the UK cashback offer and bought a HP Microserver Gen8 1610T 4GB at a price which is about the same as a low end 2-bay Synology DS216J. OK, the running cost will be higher but the fiddle factor is magnitudes better on the microserver.

    I have some questions which Spy Alelo, or others, might clear up for me.

    • If OMV is installed, what power management is best. Should I use "OS Control Mode" or HP's "Dynamic Power Saving"?
    • Thinking of upgrading the CPU to either a i3-3220T or i5-3470T/i5-2390T. But is ECC really active when using these CPUs? I con only find contradictory info on the web about this. Booting with and the presence of ECC may not be the same as proper functioning ECC system.
    • Does the "IPL floppy drive a:" boot option have any meaning for the Gen8, other than for use with virtual floppy images when using ILO?

    So far I'm working through OMV 3 in virtualbox looking at how best to use it.


    • Official Post

    1 - There is no right answer to this one. If you use less energy, performance will be lower. Try them both. Use whichever uses the least amount of energy with performance that keeps you happy.

    2 - The chipset (intel C204) supports ECC and HP mentions using ECC in the manual. So, as long as HP doesn't disable ECC support (obviously not since they mention you can use ECC), ECC will work if the CPU supports it.

    3 - If you plug a usb drive into the machine, it might use that as well.

    omv 7.4.7-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.3 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • I've not had the microserver long enough to test all the possible "power management" options, I was hoping to hear from those with direct experience of using the same HP machine and what settings they favoured. I'll have to dig out my energy meter ...


    ECC will work if the CPU supports it.

    These CPUs may be recognised by the HP Microserver Gen 8 i3-3220T, i5-3470T and i5-2390T and the system bootsOK , but I've found no definitive statement that ECC functions properly. The Intel ARK appears to have had different info at different times. I was hoping Spy Aleo might clear up this question from HP's point of view rather than take pot luck on a CPU upgrade.

  • Hello evrybody,

    Tnx for this great thread! There is a lot of posts 2 learn about but as someone said its a true jungle with a result of eye`s jumping out of skull!
    As a future user of a HP Gen8 server and OMV(before i buy any of it),first i have a bucket list 2 be certain of a project.

    My main goal is 2 have this hardware and software as a machine for backing up the I-net, in common language known as a movie storage. ;)

    Lets begin from beginning:

    1. What is minimum required CPU & amount of RAM to watch a FULL HD(max.1080p. / not interested into 4K.) movie on smartTV(all connected via UTP) & on tablet @ the same time(but without any glitching along the way)(this use of server is my primary goal)?

    1a. Is there a difference in strength of a CPU / is it needed to get more powerfull CPU to get reproduction on:
    smartTV,tablet,laptop and PS3 at the same time?Is this thou achievable(just an info question)?

    2. Personaly i am intrested only into SDcard/USBstick solution on mother board(but if jou think for the best quality is GRUB-ODD is needed, i will consider that option).I`m aware of slow bus write speed of SD/USB,so at beginning i`m gonna install OMV their updats and a few extensions.And HP firmware/updates if needed.
    Is this possible?
    I`m asking this because there where talking about slow speed of it.Ones its done and it works as it should,
    i have no plans to update future updates(install and leave it, kind of setup).

    2a.And during the reproduction on tv,are there any writes on SD/USB?

    2b.Which version of bus on m.borard for SD/USB is(v.1,v.2,v.3)?
    This should me help with choosing right model( €€? ).

    2c.Sd card or USB stick(is there any difference(i/o speed)?)?

    2d. Is it needed to make partition on these devices?
    And how large they need to be(Mb/Gb)?
    There where mention of 128MB and formatting into FAT format,Only or Not?

    3. My HDD setup will be Raid0(all 4 slots at the and,first will began with 2 of them).
    Is there a difference between a NAS HDD on 5400 and 7200 rpm for video reproduction?

    3.a Is it possible combining of one brand and speed in one bank(slot 1&2) and another kind of brand and speed in another bank(slot 3&4)?
    Or all 4 slots need to be the same kind of brand and speed?

    3.b In white papers of HP server stands that each slot supports maximum Nas HDD of 4TB.
    As far as i remember Mr.Spy said,that with a firmware update is possible to upgrade to bigger HDD volume.
    If this true is(lack of remember it),
    can somebody tell the name/version of that firmware where begin larger compability?
    Or is it needed just to update to the latest version?

    4.For installation of OMV on HP server,is it necessary to have a monitor(keyboard,mouse)
    or hdtv to install it or is it possible to do it via extern device such as laptop(Mac-Win)?

    5.For backup of HP server i shall use the present Nas Sinology DS215j(2 slots,with 8TB each)
    (DS215j would be ON only in case backup) .
    I suppose,via OMV software shall be no problems of connecting with these two with eachother(straight via UTP or via router)?
    Whether u have experience with combining 2 different NAS devices?

    6. Cooling vents from behind,are they always ON,or they switch ON/OFF as it needed is?

    7. Do you have a link to step by step of installing of it in form of text,foots and video`s?
    On youtube is only installing via virtual machine.

    8. On the site for downloading image of OMV,are severals versions of OMV.
    Who`s version do i need to choose for HP server?

    9.And the last one (finaly) for installing OMV and setting up,is there any work needed with a terminal?
    And how much of it? Or is just GUI way?

    I would fully appreciate if u answer by number`s!!!
    And if i do not correctly ask or there is any misunderstanding about the question,let me know!

    One`s again TNX !!!

  • You should have posted in a new thread. Most of your questions aren't specific to HP Proliant servers.

    1. OMV is a NAS, not a media player. Are you planning on using Plex or some other software ? In that case, what are the clients that will be served ? More context is needed.

    2. Best media for the OS is a small SSD. Using flash memory is not recommended. If you insist on using it, then use the omv-flashmemory plugin.
    2a. See 1.
    2b. See 2.
    2c. See 2.
    2d. The installer formats the entire system drive. You don't need to worry.

    3. Why RAID and why RAID0 ? Especially for media, that makes no sense.

    4. The install requires a monitor and a keyboard. You can use a TV if you have a VGA port.

    5. Why would there be a problem ? This is what a NAS is made for.

    6. I assume you mean the fan. I'm not familiar with the Gen8, but I guess it's always on. Who cares ? A NAS goes in a garage or a closet, not in a living room.

    7. Flash USB stick. Boot PC with USB stick. Follow instructions. If you have ever installed Windows or Linux, OMV is no harder.

    8. Get version 3.0

    9. OMV is a web gui application. You shouldn't need to use the command line. If you do, it's plain Debian Jessie underneath and there are plenty of howtos out there.

  • 1. Yes i know. And yes, HP/OMV will be used as a MEDIA server(DLNA). I`m using Samsung HDtv(is poor with subtitles options) as a Medi8er MED600X3D media player.

    2. Where do i install first omv-flashmemory plugin?

    3. HP server support only RAID:0,1 & 10. Unfortunately there is no JBOD.

    6. Yes, the fan! That question was sommething in mind with future modd of cpu fan...but now nevermind.

    7. U mean, after pluging in usb stick into HP and powering up a HP,comes an option usb stick,boot PC with usb stick..... ?

    9. Yes i know that ;-)) I`m asking about before getting into OMV software?

    • Official Post

    Man this got a lot of threads as of late. I'll answer a few things for everyone:

    The dreaded "BIOS BUG" with Linux and HPE servers. This has absolutely zero impact on our systems and the message is purely informational, not an indication of a problem. The reason is simple; our iLO computer keeps track of the system's counters while it also handles power & cooling. We do not hand these off to the OS and I do NOT recommend changing anything in the BIOS to get around this. Just let iLO do its job. By "fixing" this, you will have issues such as fans running too loud or at full speeds.

    Many times a lot of us mods advise against using USB drives or SD cards for OMV. Ultimately, it is your choice but the reality is that there's no reason to do this anymore when SSD prices have dropped DRAMATICALLY. Especially for the smaller sized ones.

    Do NOT do fan or cooling mods!! We calibrate and thermally design our systems with high performance & heavy duty fans while keeping the system as silent and cool as possible. This is especially true with the ML line of servers. If your fan is too loud, there's a reason for it. Here are some hints:

    • On small ML servers, the 2nd fan (intake) is optional. The system is designed to make up for the absence or failure of other fans and will double the duty cycle. This is especially true when you add a bunch of drives and PCIe cards! The exhaust fan will then ramp up at 50% by default if is running by itself. In other words, if your server can take a 2nd fan and you want it to be quieter, purchase the fan kit for it.
    • Some so-called silent fans will run slower than our fans, fooling iLO into thinking that there's an issue. If you manage to splice one up to your HPE server it will cause the fan to ramp up and down continuously trying to correct the problem. If you are on a budget and can't afford the kit, simply try to at least match the brand, size and power rating. We always use PWM fans (hint hint) and we mostly use Delta.
    • We never recommend swapping our thermal compound with anything else, you will not improve anything by doing it. But if you need to replace the compound, is not a secret that we use Shin Etsu X-23-7783D and you can buy it in small quantities here.
    • DL series servers are inherently noisy, especially if they are smaller than 2U. Don't use these servers if you don't have a rack and if you want a quiet system. The smaller the fans, the faster they need to spin. If you do insist on using a DL server, make sure it has all the fan kits installed to keep the noise down.
    • Official Post

    Hey there! Let's go over your questions:

    • I personally recommend leaving it to our Dynamic Power Saving profile since the server's firmware is already calibrated for this.
    • ECC is only supported with Xeon E3 CPUs. As you said, being able to boot with the presence of ECC doesn't mean is working.
    • Nope. Is just for the images over iLO.
  • 1. DLNA is simple file sharing. There is no video decoding on the server, so no requirement for more RAM or CPU.

    2. You install plugins in the OMV interface. Some plugins require the omv-extras plugin, which you have to install manually. Google is your friend.

    3. You should be able to simply mount SATA drives. Do not use the built-in HP RAID options.

    7. When you install OMV, flash the installer onto a USB stick and remove all drives except the one on which you want to install OMV. When you boot the server with the installer, it will only see the target drive. I really suggest using an SSD. USB sticks are not made for running an OS on them. You can get cheap SSDs for less than 30€/$30.

    9. Once OMV is installed with the installer, you access the web interface from a web browser on another machine. There is no need to use the command line.

    If you have any doubts, try installing it on a VM first to try it out.

  • Hey there! Let's go over your questions:

    • I personally recommend leaving it to our Dynamic Power Saving profile since the server's firmware is already calibrated for this.
    • ECC is only supported with Xeon E3 CPUs. As you said, being able to boot with the presence of ECC doesn't mean is working.
    • Nope. Is just for the images over iLO.

    Many thanks for answer my questions.

    But now I'm really confused - Celeron G1610T is in the Intel ARK as supporting ECC memory -are you saying it doesn't?

    What is the position with the officially supported i3-3240 variant? HPE sell this variant of the gen8 microserver with ECC RAM. So have they tweaked the BIOS to support/recognise the i3-3240 and work with ECC RAM in a system that is not actually activating ECC function?

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