I am using Open Media Vault 5 on a ROCK64 board.
My OMV system seems to regularly power down.
I am not sure why it is doing this.
Are there any setting I can check / change to prevent this from happening?
All advice is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
How can I stop Open Media Vault from going to sleep?
- OMV 5.x
- 1uke_
Did you specify a job in Power Management >> Scheduled Jobs?
Or in Scheduled Jobs?
Did you check syslog entries just before the last shutdown?
I have uninstalled auto shutdown and WOL plugins as a short term measure. I wasn't using either of them, (I might need to use them later).
There is nothing in added to Power Management >> Scheduled Jobs?.
I am having issues accessing any image hosting websites to to show that nothing is in Power Management >> Scheduled Jobs. As soon as I can upload a screen shot so I can confirm this I will
Please can you explain how I can access sys-logs?
Thank you for helping me with this. -
You can see syslog in
Diagnostic >> System Logs
and select Syslog
Or you ssh into your server. The log file is in /var/log and is called syslog.
I am having issues accessing any image hosting websites
You can just upload a picture by using the "Attachments" function.
I have found the system logs. Thank you for pointing me to the right place. This will be a big help to me should I need to trouble shoot anything in the future.
There is a lot to look through in the log and I am not sure exactly what I need to find to to identify when the system went to sleep. I have over 22 pages of logs for yesterday, is there anyway I can narrow down the search as I don't remember the exact times the system went to sleep.
Also thanks for letting me know I can upload by attaching the image. I'm not sure I am looking in the correct place. When I look on the tool bar above the text box I see an option for 'image' (the icon is of a mountain with the sun above it). When I click the image icon there is only options for 'source' and 'link'. Is that the correct icon to click to attach the image? -
Also thanks for letting me know I can upload by attaching the image. I'm not sure I am looking in the correct place. When I look on the tool bar above the text box I see an option for 'image' (the icon is of a mountain with the sun above it). When I click the image icon there is only options for 'source' and 'link'. Is that the correct icon to click to attach the image?
If you've found the log file... which you apparently have, I personally find using a pastebin far superior to using a picture to post logs. There are tons of pastebins out there. paste.ubuntu.com debian.paste.net and many more. I like pastebin.com . No account/password required and you can set a simple expiration period for when the paste will be purged.. or leave it up forever. It also gives each line a 'number'.. very helpful if you've posted a long log, and someone helping you is referencing a specific line entry.
Just copy/paste your log from an SSH session, add a username to the paste.. click submit and you'll get a short link to post in your thread. I greatly prefer this to screenshots and crappy phone pics of logs, which are often hard to read anyway.
Example, my syslog entries from a couple hours ago..
Also thanks for letting me know I can upload by attaching the image. I'm not sure I am looking in the correct place. When I look on the tool bar above
Look at the text at the bottom:
Hello so I am trying to figure out the log myself and wondered if I am understanding it correctly.
Here is a link to a paste bin - https://pastebin.com/kgcrujVi
It's not the full log, I can put a larger amount of log if that is helpful?
Based on the link above .......Line 567 - Is this showing I logged in to the web interface?
Line 580 - Is this the system doing an automated system update then shutting down?
My system did randomly restart after I logged in to the web interface and I wonder if this is what the log is showing?
Thank you for showing me where the image attachments are.
I can't quite believe all the time I have been using this forum I never noticed the links across the bottom of the text input area. -
The logs you posted seem to be from a boot process. We would need the logs from just before.
So, next time the server shuts itself down, wait some minutes and note the time. Then boot up the server and check the log just before the time you noted.
Hello @macom @KM0201
I'm still trying to work out why my OMV randomly goes to sleep.
Click the link below to see a full days logs for 16th December - This was the last time I turned on my OMV machine, before switching it back on today.
Is there anything in the logs that explains why the system is going in to auto shutdown / auto sleep?
Let me know if you need me to pull off more information or do something with any of the settings.
Thank you for your help with this. -
around 8:57:39 the server is shutting down. Did you do that manually?
First entry is
Dec 16 08:57:39 OMV-Rock64 systemd[1]: unattended-upgrades.service: Succeeded.
Wild guess, if this could cause the system to shutdown.
Hello, same thing ( shutdown ) with me for 2 or 3 weeks now.
Today I tried to find some solutions in other forum, as they are:
Since i am not so experienced Linux guy, I just removed the unattended-upgrades.
Let's see.
Brds, mopedfahrer
So, newest shutdown showed his true face...
Linux can be so easy. Nothing to do with unattended-upgrades. For me it was just an over-temperature to shutdown.
Time to overwork monitoring
Brds, mopedfahrer
For me it was just an over-temperature to shutdown.
How did you find that this is the issue?
Hello macom,
I had an open terminal window over night, and there were several kernel warning messages before shutdown; 115 degrees C.
Try to check now, why there was so high temperature...
My Odroid XU4 is just in it's normal plastic case and not yet in the USB box and a small desk fan, connected to one USB port of the Odroid is blowing fresh air; "flying installation", but backups are available
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