[HELP] OMV OS disk got almost full in one day

  • Hello all.

    I have a Pi4B running OMV 6.3.12.

    My OS drive (/dev/root) is at 90% while yesterday it was at 25%, and has been at 25% for months.

    I suspect transmission or rsync have failed to reach a mounted drive while in some operation and left the big file or files in /dev/root, but I cannot find the file/s causing the space shrink and I fear I run out of space and cannot access the gui.

    I have followed the guide: how-to-fix-full-os-filesystem-gui-login-loop and pruned logs and unused docker images. In /srv I have no suspicious big file.

    I am not physically at home, so I cannot detach usb drives (I have 4+cache drive), reboot and inspect the OS drive. And I prefer not to unmount all of them as I would have to unreference all the services I have running on each of them (smb, sftp, rsync jobs, shared folders...).

    Is there any command to reboot without mounting any external usb drive? Or to unmount all external drives despite being referenced? I was thinking about installing systemrescuecd and reboot to it once.

    There is an inconsistency between the outputs of df and du

    du -xhd1

    df -h

    Thanks in advance.

    omv 5.5.23-1 usul arm64

    omv 5.5.23-1 usul x64

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Is there any command to reboot without mounting any external usb drive?

    Just unplug the drives and boot.

    Or to unmount all external drives despite being referenced?

    Use the umount command

    umount(8) — mount — Debian bullseye — Debian Manpages

  • I did some

    sudo umount -a /dev/sda1

    sudo umount -a /dev/sdb1

    sudo umount -a /dev/sdc1

    sudo umount -a /dev/sdd1

    sudo umount -a /dev/sde1

    But I realised after some seconds they all got automounted again (I was watching file folders on OMV).

    Is there any way to prevent automounting?

    omv 5.5.23-1 usul arm64

    omv 5.5.23-1 usul x64

  • Those are not the mountpoints.

    Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle!

    OMV AMD64 7.x on headless Chenbro NR12000 1U 1x 8m Quad Core E3-1220 3.1GHz 32GB ECC RAM.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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