big differences in functionality between portainer and the compose plugin

  • Hi all,

    Got a bit of a surprise when I looked at omv-extras this morning. LOL.

    Have read a few posts/guides and have migrated all my stacks to the compose plugin. So generally working fine but the functionality within the compose plugin does not seem to have the same/similar basic features as portainer.

    So is the intent to use both the compose plugin and portainer?

    Networks/Images/Volumes - does not exist in the compose plugin. Is this by design?

    Start/Stop a container - once deployed, I want to start and stop some of my containers 'on demand'. I have some containers that I use occasionally for a short period of time. Once done, I want to stop them. Can you do this through the compose plug-in?

    Rename a container - when I imported my stacks and deployed the container names were strange such as 'name-name-1' where i am expecting 'name'. This can be changed easilty inside portainer but I can't find this in compose plugin.

    I'm not having a rant by the way - just interested to understand where this is all going so I can decide to manage all of my docker stuff via portainer or through the OMV GUI.

  • Apologies for this post. I see there is a pinned discussion thread dedicated to queries about this stuff.

    Great job with the plugin by the way - I think this is a good direction and I am sure features will be added over time.

    I'm going to read the pinned thread now... :)

  • Rename a container - when I imported my stacks and deployed the container names were strange such as 'name-name-1' where i am expecting 'name'. This can be changed easilty inside portainer but I can't find this in compose plugin.

    I'm not having a rant by the way - just interested to understand where this is all going so I can decide to manage all of my docker stuff via portainer or through the OMV GUI.

    No need if you name it properly on the Yaml file using container_name.


  • Start/Stop a container - once deployed, I want to start and stop some of my containers 'on demand'. I have some containers that I use occasionally for a short period of time. Once done, I want to stop them. Can you do this through the compose plug-in?

    Yes I miss it too.

    Is a good addon for future release of the plugin

  • Start/Stop a container - once deployed, I want to start and stop some of my containers 'on demand'. I have some containers that I use occasionally for a short period of time. Once done, I want to stop them. Can you do this through the compose plug-in?

    In the Containers Tab there is an Up button you can use to start a selected container. I would like to see a down button here as well.

    In the Files Tab there are up and down buttons, but if the there are multiple services defined in the file they will all be stopped or started.

    But in my use case I can ssh into the box and start or stop containers in the shell faster than logging into OMV and navigating to the pages where these things are, but I have to know the container name or grab it from a listing.

    Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle!

    OMV AMD64 7.x on headless Chenbro NR12000 1U 1x 8m Quad Core E3-1220 3.1GHz 32GB ECC RAM.

  • No need if you name it properly on the Yaml file using container name.


    thank you. I didn't know I could add that to the compose / stack. Trying that now.

  • So adding container_name: to all my stacks has worked well as I can now just use up/down to start and stop containers without getting weird container names.

    One other thing I really like with portainer is the when you use the re-create function on a container, you can choose to re-pull the image. This works great when there is an updated image that you want to install. Does anyone know if this can be dome through the OMV GUI?

  • One last question... what about portainer itself? I think I need to create a stack/compose file for it in the OMV GUI to have it visible in the OMV GUI.

    I see that raulfg3 has posted an updated compose file for portainer. What is $ConfigPath? Will this basically use my existing portainer config?

    Should I just use this compose file or do I need to think a bit more first?


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I just saw this thread. I am not going to answer all the doubts about the operation of the plugin one by one. Just to say that the vast majority of questions are answered here.…v6_plugins:docker_compose

    Regarding the differences between Portainer or not Portainer, it is possible that you miss some specific feature, logically they are different GUIs. There are also some things in the plugin that Portainer doesn't have. I suggest that if you miss something you suggest the improvements, I am convinced that ryecoaaron will be receptive with these suggestions.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Networks/Images/Volumes - does not exist in the compose plugin. Is this by design?

    Yes. The plugin is supposed to be simple and not just to copy portainer. If you want portainer, use portainer. Networks can be created in the compose file. Why do you need some for images? The prune options should be enough in my opinion. And what about volumes? To delete named volumes?

    Start/Stop a container - once deployed, I want to start and stop some of my containers 'on demand'. I have some containers that I use occasionally for a short period of time. Once done, I want to stop them. Can you do this through the compose plug-in?

    I have mentioned this many times. In my opinion, if you need to start/stop containers individually, they should be in their own compose file. The option to start (up) and stop (down) is there.

    I am sure features will be added over time.

    Be careful with this thought. The compose plugin is not new. I released it a year ago. And as I mentioned above, the goal is not to copy portainer. Simplicity is the goal.

    Yes I miss it too.

    Tell me why.

    I would like to see a down button here as well.


    One other thing I really like with portainer is the when you use the re-create function on a container, you can choose to re-pull the image. This works great when there is an updated image that you want to install. Does anyone know if this can be dome through the OMV GUI?

    Select the compose file in the Files tab and click pull. This just does a docker-compose pull which pulls any new images. Then click up. This will restart any container that has an updated image.

    What is $ConfigPath? Will this basically use my existing portainer config?

    Should I just use this compose file or do I need to think a bit more first?

    The only change is moving the config storage path to an environment variable. There is no reason to do this if you are using a named volume like omv-extras used to create.

    omv 7.4.7-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.3 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • I use ouroboros docker to update my others dockers, my actual way to do is to stopt it until I decide to start , wait 15 minutes, see that all my dockers are updated , and then stop it until I need ( a month normally), so yes, is a good addon to have start & stop buton to start or Stop individual dockers previosly created by the plugin.

    another good adition is the ability to load a file with all my usefull enviromewnt variables, and that file where used by default in all new instances, so no need to copy & paste on every new docker creation.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I use ouroboros docker to update my others dockers, my actual way to do is to stopt it until I decide to start , wait 15 minutes, see that all my dockers are updated , and then stop it until I need ( a month normally), so yes, is a good addon to have start & stop buton to start or Stop individual dockers previosly created by the plugin.

    If you need to start and stop individually, why not put in separate compose files?

    another good adition is the ability to load a file with all my usefull enviromewnt variables, and that file where used by default in all new instances, so no need to copy & paste on every new docker creation.

    If you have a global environment file, just add it to your compose file with env_file

    omv 7.4.7-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.3 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • All done. Portainer now running via compose/stack in OMV GUI.

    Used pull from OMV to get latest version of portainer. Used prune to remove the previous portainer image. All working fine.

    Can use Portainer on demand now. Useful to check what needs to be pruned as it shows orphaned images/containers/etc.

    Overall very pleased with this setup now.

    Thanks again everyone for all the input and tips.

  • jata1

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