Watchtower and panic

  • Hi everyone
    I installed, via docker, watchtower.
    Not knowing it, I panicked when I saw all my containers disappear, but after a while they reappeared, not all, three hours passed now and they are no longer visible sonarr and radarr, you really need all this time to clean up all the containers or something went wrong?


    I also noticed how the disk (113gb total) where OMV is installed was occupied for more than 20% now occupies 8%

    Still nothing, sonarr and radarr are officially gone, is it normal that this happened? or did I miss something?

  • you need to close the webGUI and keep watchtower to do the job some hours, otherwise if you are really impatience, some data can be corrupt and some dockers are not updated properly.

    in this cases, you need to delete the not starting dockers and play it again ( configure and launch like first time).

  • Is it good practise to update docker containers regularly? The info pages of the Linuxserver containers often say that you should not update a working container (except nextcloud or plex which are updated inside the container).

    • Official Post

    We apply updates to Windows and Linux why not Docker, Docker container updates are usually improvements or bug fixes and Watchtower uses the 'Tag' set in the downloaded image to implement an update, Watchtower stops the container before applying/installing the new image.

    As to Linuxservers updating info;

    Most of our images are static, versioned, and require an image update and container recreation to update the app inside. With some exceptions (ie. nextcloud, plex), we do not recommend or support updating apps inside the container.

    Within that there is a link to the application setup to see if it's recommended.

    I agree with @raulfg3 Watchtower does what is says on the tin, although there some Dockers that Watchtower should be excluded from updating.

    Raid is not a backup! Would you go skydiving without a parachute?

    OMV 6x amd64 running on an HP N54L Microserver

    • Official Post

    Pi-Hole is one, there was a thread on here where Watchtower had updated a Docker Pi-Hole and is simply stopped working this was probably due to a major update in Pi-Hole itself, and the fact that the Docker version in now maintained by the devs of Pi-Hole.

    There is some information from users of Watchtower on github whereby they have used an additional command option to prevent a certain container from updating, like anything it requires some research.

  • going back to the original message at the beginning of this thread, am I to assume that watchtower was in the middle of updating? or was there an other reason for watchtower to fail on update of sonarr and radarr? I am going to try it again everything backed up, so if it happens again just reinstall the 2 containers that failed?

  • The --cleanup option is entered in the Command box when setting up Watchtower.

    Can you give me more info how to config the cleanup option since I got a lot of old image with no names in repository column and getting some error in the new container?
    I added --cleanup in the command box does not do anything!

    • Official Post

    I added --cleanup in the command box does not do anything!

    I have seen that on here, but when I first started using Watchtower if I made a change to the container the usual warning message came up regarding modifying the container. After making changes the container would either not start or if it did start it would go into a restart loop, so if do anything to Watchtower now I stop the container and delete it then re create it.

    There is another option and that is to run a daily scheduled job with the following: docker images -q --filter "dangling=true" | xargs -n1 -r docker rmi

    Extract from Watchtower log using --cleanup

    time="2019-06-08T01:09:23+01:00" level=info msg="Found new linuxserver/heimdall:latest image (sha256:10ab7f251d320c9b28ff008e15f3318e8eeb6087253827ae3b0034d776140e57)"
    time="2019-06-08T01:09:27+01:00" level=info msg="Stopping /Heimdall (612ada320dac3a8722cb36d64be297e3eab7bec5174b0b435cfeae8a9fa96914) with SIGTERM"
    time="2019-06-08T01:10:32+01:00" level=info msg="Creating /Heimdall"
    time="2019-06-08T01:10:34+01:00" level=info msg="Removing image sha256:db559e0ff59bc1c18b9469ef747931771cbe4f518d908aa462d43aff2236040e"
  • I am seeing similar behavior for this as well and I have a thread for it here. In my experience, all my containers reload just fine with watchtower unless I have the "volumes from" field filled in for the container. Deluge, Sonarr, Radarr, etc. Is this the same case for you? If I don't remove "volumes from" field before running watchtower, the container will be deleted and not added back and I have to build it from scratch.

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