OMV 5.0 - finally out! :-)

  • I upgraded from 4 to 5 by the way that has @ryecoaaron described in Post #38 in this thread.

    It runs but the main field "Overview" at "System Informations" is blank ?( In the other tabs (processes,...) are datas and I see it´s really OMV 5 now.

    What have i to do?

    After rebooting the same problem and additional I can´t install docker "DNS Error".

    Is the upgrade not really full and clean?

    How can I "repair" it?

  • At plugins there are 4 installed plugins but no other plugins that are possible to install!

    Is my upgrade damaged ?

    But I reach my datas at samba shares.

    My conclusion: Some functions are ok but not all.

    What is the best to do now without build server from scratch?

  • Hm, there is a problem with resolv.
    quick fix:
    rm /etc/resolv.conf
    echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf

    I forgot about systemd-resolved configuration, so there commands should fix it for now.

    then run apt update && apt dist-upgrade -y

  • Just a quick question:
    when OMV5 passes from Beta to stable, Is there something to do in order to pass to stable branch? Or it remain a "Beta installation", receving new (and unstable) release quickly?

  • I did it with an reboot after and it helped a lot. Thank you @ness1602. :thumbup:

    Now all optional plugins are selectable and docker is installed and running.

    The only same situation is the blank "overview" field at "system informations". Is therefor a help/tool/command possible too?

    And at "report" field at "system informations" is written "No LSB Modules are available". Is is important? How does this effect my running OMV 5/ Debian Buster?

    Gigabyte GA-H270N-WIFI, Intel G4560, 16GB RAM, Fractal Node 304, Raid 1 (2x2TB)
    Fritzbox 7590,ZyXEL GS1900-10HP, APC
    USP ES700G

    Edited once, last by sunpower ().

  • The blank Overview can be solved by either clearing your browser cache or by force reloading the page. On Chrome you can do the latter by holding down the Ctrl key and reloading the page. Using omv-firstaid | Clear web control panel cache might also work.

    Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle!

    OMV AMD64 7.x on headless Chenbro NR12000 1U 1x 8m Quad Core E3-1220 3.1GHz 32GB ECC RAM.

  • My upgrade today was without flashmemory-plugin. I´m noob and I don´t know if it is necessary for me, so I didn´t install before.

    Gigabyte GA-H270N-WIFI, Intel G4560, 16GB RAM, Fractal Node 304, Raid 1 (2x2TB)
    Fritzbox 7590,ZyXEL GS1900-10HP, APC
    USP ES700G

    • Official Post

    I have upgraded with the flashmemory plugin installed and it went fine. Not sure why that would make an install slower though.

    omv 7.6.0-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.11 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0.1 | kvm 7.0.16 | compose 7.3.3 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.9 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Hello,

    are you planning porting openmediavault-transmissionbt plugin for OMV5 from OMV4 ?

    At the moment this is the only reason that stops me from migrating everything from OMV4 to my OMV5 test machine.

    I saw that there is already have a topic, but agree with me, has a people who running their OMV servers installed on a virtual KVM server, RasberryPi etc. and people who do not want to use docker only to use tranmissionbt :).

    For test:

    On my OMV5 test machine I have installed:


    and rsync /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json from omv4 to omv5 and everything its working like a charm. :)

    I think - the plugin change only settings in .json file (I am not sure) and if that is true - please port it into OMV5 plugins extras ;)

    If you don't plan to add it I'll be very happy to hear the reason of that.

  • I wouldn't hold my breath.

    If porting a plugin like transmission were to be considered, then there will be deluge, qbittorrent, tixati, vuse, and frostwire fans asking for the same consideration.

    If you have followed OMV over time measured in years, then the observation you would have made is that the Downloaders section of the Plugins area has gotten smaller and smaller, with only one entry left in OMV 5.

    As for docker, it is and will be go to way to run apps on OMV. I run fifteen containers, many of which used to be OMV plugins that have been deprecated.

    Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle!

    OMV AMD64 7.x on headless Chenbro NR12000 1U 1x 8m Quad Core E3-1220 3.1GHz 32GB ECC RAM.

    • Official Post

    are you planning porting openmediavault-transmissionbt plugin for OMV5 from OMV4 ?


    people who do not want to use docker only to use tranmissionbt

    If you can come up with a good reason that docker is bad other than inexperience, I will consider it. But I am quite sure a good reason doesn't exist.

    I think - the plugin change only settings in .json file (I am not sure) and if that is true - please port it into OMV5 plugins extras

    If it is that easy, feel free to submit a pull request.

    If you don't plan to add it I'll be very happy to hear the reason of that.

    Here are a few reasons:

    • I think downloader plugins belong in a jailed environment like docker for security reasons
    • Docker keeps cruft off the OS
    • Docker keeps the program from causing stability issues for the system
    • Docker allows you to have the program dependencies that don't exist in Debian's repos without adding repos that make causes problems with the system
    • Docker allows you to have the latest version that might not be in repos
    • Docker is easy to upgrade
    • I don't use transmission (or any other downloader program) and am not the best one to maintain it
    • I don't have time. I already maintain all of the omv-extras plugins and have to pick what I have time for.

    omv 7.6.0-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.11 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0.1 | kvm 7.0.16 | compose 7.3.3 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.9 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

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