Hey All,
Still new to OMV and docker containers, but love what im learning so far!
I have a ML380e running OMV as an OS
gotten many dockers up and running including emby, unifi-video, pihole, sonarr, etc... (All the things!) <---shout out to @TechnoDadLife
So happy to have found Booksonic and m4b-tool! although both are out of date
Booksonic tells me this within the app and when clicking the link i ultimately find a path that leads to Watchtower
I have set this up and it looks to be working, (only done netdata at the moment, all my other containers were created ~ days ago)
Booksonic still is saying there is an update and m4b-tool says its running v0.3.3 when the latest one in 4.0.2
Am I doing this right, or is there something im not understanding
Is there a Container version as apposed to an application version?