Problem after update omv from panel. NGIX403

  • Hello, i update OMV 6 from webgui. After this webgui dont work its give me error

    403 Forbidden

    I try reinstall but.

    root@pdnas:~# apt-get install openmediavault --reinstall
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree... Done
    Reading state information... Done
    You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.
    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
    openmediavault : Depends: chrony but it is not going to be installed
    openmediavault-kvm : Depends: openmediavault-sharerootfs but it is not going to be installed
    E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

    im trying too:

    Somebody can help me fix this ;) Before update all working ok.

  • djpd66

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Problem after update omv from panel.“ zu „Problem after update omv from panel. NGIX403“ geändert.
  • djpd66

    Hat das Label OMV 6.x hinzugefügt.
  • ryecoaaron

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    openmediavault : Depends: chrony but it is not going to be installed

    openmediavault depends on chrony but something you installed caused this package to be uninstalled. This has caused openmediavault to be uninstalled.

    I don't know if you can fix this because it seems that the plugins you had installed in OMV have also been uninstalled.

    You can try to locate what you have installed and what caused this. When you have located it you will have to uninstall that package. Then reinstall openmediavault, but since the plugins have been uninstalled there may be few recoverable configurations left.

  • openmediavault depends on chrony but something you installed caused this package to be uninstalled. This has caused openmediavault to be uninstalled.

    I don't know if you can fix this because it seems that the plugins you had installed in OMV have also been uninstalled.

    You can try to locate what you have installed and what caused this. When you have located it you will have to uninstall that package. Then reinstall openmediavault, but since the plugins have been uninstalled there may be few recoverable configurations left.

    I do not install nothing :( only update via webgui.

    i trying to install chrony but console now give me this error..

    root@pdnas:/# apt-get install chrony
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree... Done
    Reading state information... Done
    You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.
    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
     libc6 : Breaks: chrony (< 4.2-3~) but 4.0-8+deb11u2 is to be installed
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I do not install nothing :( only update via webgui.

    i trying to install chrony but console now give me this error..

    root@pdnas:/# apt-get install chrony
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree... Done
    Reading state information... Done
    You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.
    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
     libc6 : Breaks: chrony (< 4.2-3~) but 4.0-8+deb11u2 is to be installed

    You've done something here. My first thought is one of your repos is marked stable, as opposed to "bullseye" and when you updated it updated libc6 and broke everything. Need to take a look at your sources, but this probably will not be fixable without upgrading to omv 7 (beta right now)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    sudo cat /var/log/apt/history.log

    omv 7.4.2-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.1 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    My first thought is one of your repos is marked stable, as opposed to "bullseye" and when you updated it updated libc6 and broke everything.

    Yeah. That could explain what happened.

  • Please post the output of

    apt-cache policy libc6

    I check apt sources list all is bullyseye. but if im type:

    root@pdnas:/var/www/wyszukiwarka# lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Debian
    Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
    Release:        12
    Codename:       bookworm

    I once wanted to update to Debian 12. However, I read the forum and stopped trying. Anyway, since then the server has been restarted many times and everything worked fine until the last update via the OMV gui or install openmediavault-podman from gui OMV.

    What hardware is this?

    It's a

    Celeron J1900, 16gb RAM, HDD+SSD

    sudo cat /var/log/apt/history.log

    Here is log bro:

    You've done something here. My first thought is one of your repos is marked stable, as opposed to "bullseye" and when you updated it updated libc6 and broke everything. Need to take a look at your sources, but this probably will not be fixable without upgrading to omv 7 (beta right now)

    I once wanted to update to Debian 12. However, I read the forum and stopped trying. Anyway, since then the server has been restarted many times and everything worked fine until the last update via the OMV gui or install openmediavault-podman from gui OMV.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    apt sources list all is bullyseye.

    Not the security repo

    500 bookworm-security/main amd64 Packages

    I once wanted to update to Debian 12. However, I read the forum and stopped trying.

    You stopped too late. Changes have been done.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    As the config files should be still there, you could try to use omv-regen to make a backup of the configuration. Then do a fresh install and use omv-regen to restore the configuration. However there is no guarantee that this will work.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    But im think most packages is bulleye

    I think it's probably more than you think looking at that apt log, and your OS identifying as bookworm.

    If it were me (and note I may be way off base with this). I'd delete your OMV sources, change all your others to bookworm. Run apt update (not apt upgrade), then run the OMV extras script with the beta switch to upgrade to OMV 7 and complete any necessary updates to bookworm

    That would be significantly easier than trying to downgrade whatever packages were upgraded (cuz looking at that apt log you posted it looked like a long list).

    If that doesn't work. You're gonna learn a hard lesson on keeping your OS drive backed up.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    at OMV7 beta all working? kvm working? Maybe somebody have another idea?

    I've had it in a VM testing for a couple weeks, and I've not had any problems..

    I don't use very many plugins, so can't give you a ton of info on them.

  • i little i fixed this ;) thanks for tips. Im change all to bookworm delete omv sources from apt/source.list.d. Next of this steps i run "

    sudo curl -sSL | sudo bash
    Unpacking lsb-release (12.0-1) over (12.0-1) ...
    Setting up lsb-release (12.0-1) ...
    [2023-12-05 01:53:32+0100] [omvinstall] Arch :: amd64
    [2023-12-05 01:53:32+0100] [omvinstall] Supported architecture
    [2023-12-05 01:53:33+0100] [omvinstall] Codename :: bookworm
    [2023-12-05 01:53:33+0100] [omvinstall] Unsupported version.  Only Debian 10 (Buster) and 11 (Bullseye) are supported.  Exiting...

    After this im make php 7.4.33 as default version. Now im have debian12 with omv 6. VM's and LXC don't working :( . All other working perfect. Can anyone explain to me how to update OMV to version 7 now, step by step? Maybe with version 7 the VMs will start working properly.

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